Sector News

Group Dynamics in Peer Support Workshop

Do you facilitate peer support? Would you like to be part of discussions and activities that will support both your group and others across Greater Manchester?

This free and informative workshop will help you to find and share creative ways to communicate, manage relationships and look after your wellbeing as a peer support facilitator. Gaddum logo and a group of 5 people sat in a circle talking

Lips Inked Arts CIC

Lips Inked Arts CIC is a community arts organisation that provides inspiring opportunities to underserved neighbourhoods across Manchester. Lips Inked Arts CIC empower communities through creativity, delivering projects which bring people together, reduce loneliness and isolation, and allow people to freely access high quality cultural activities. Lipsinked cic

Open Kitchen healthy, affordable, easy and sustainable cooking demo and discussion

Open Kitchen are offering a new range of healthy, affordable, easy and sustainable cooking demo and discussion workshops for communities. The sessions focus on recipes that are healthy, cheap for ingredients, cheap for energy, and adaptable to use whatever ingredients can be accessed. Courses are unfortunately not free (but Open Kitchen are applying for funding so watch this space). open kitchen

Opportunities to get involved Manchester Histories Festival 6-9 June 2024

Award-winning Manchester Histories Festival is back for its ninth edition. It will be a four-day programme full of events, including music, performances, talks, showcases, vintage vehicles, crafts, food and more. It is a festival for all, which means there are many opportunities for everyone to get involved. manchester histories

GMCA Inspire Fund

The GMCA Inspire Fund is providing grants of £500 - £2,000 for freelance and independent artists, and small organisations across Greater Manchester.

You may be a musician who would benefit from a new instrument, a small group who needs funds to expand your wardrobe or replace costumes, or a freelance artist who wishes to upskill via a training course.

The GM Walking Festival Fund

The GM Walking Festival Fund is designed to support walk organisers to deliver a walk as part of the GM Walking Festival in May 2024. Grants are for a maximum of £100.

The GM Walking Festival is a celebration of walking and an opportunity for everyone to join in with a programme of free, organised group walks across Greater Manchester. Greater Manchester walking festival

The Future Stories Fund from Audible

Audible believe in the power of storytelling. With the Future Stories Fund, Audible are aiming to help unlock the potential of underprivileged 16 to 25 year olds from historically marginalised communities, more specifically, those young people whose exclusion has had a negative impact on their levels of literacy and aspiration. Future stories fund northwest supported by audible

Boots Charitable Trust

Registered charities working in the areas of health, lifelong learning, community development and social care can apply four times a year for grants of between £100 and £10,000. Grants of up to £5,000 are available for smaller voluntary organisations whose income and expenditure is less than £5,000 per year and who are not yet required to register with the Charity Commission. boots charitable trust

Invitation of expression of interest: The multifaceted needs of Pakistani communities: Manchester Insights

Community Health Equity Manchester (CHEM) was initially set up to address the disproportionate impact the pandemic had on specific communities in Manchester, including communities impacted by racial inequalities, disabled people, and inclusion health groups. The programme has been successful in engaging with and building trust with communities and is being developed to address the wider health inequalities that these groups face.