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Have your final say on the Council’s budget for 2017-2020

6 Jan 2017 - 14:52 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council is consulting further on its budget for 2017-2020. There are now firm proposals with £30million of savings needed. But changes can still be made and the Council is inviting final comments and questions until 10 February, ahead of finally setting the budget in March.

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Sport England – Active Ageing Fund

6 Jan 2017 - 10:42 by michelle.foster

Nationwide search begins for brilliant ideas to support inactive older people.

Sport England have put tackling inactivity right at the heart of their new strategy Towards an Active Nation – which means over the next four years, they are going to triple the amount they invest in helping inactive people become active.

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Ambition for Ageing launches older people led process for £2.5 million investment

6 Jan 2017 - 10:40 by michelle.foster

Ambition for Ageing launches the design process for their £2.5million 'Scaled Programmes' with an exciting engagement event on 24 January 2017.

'Growing Older in My Greater Manchester' is an event which will draw key priorities for making Greater Manchester more age-friendly, on themes including: Information and Communication; Culture; Places and Spaces and Economy.

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Help make Greater Manchester GREATER

6 Jan 2017 - 10:35 by michelle.foster

People across Greater Manchester are being invited to help shape the region’s strategy for the next 20 years.

Greater Manchester’s ambition is to create a self-reliant, prosperous city-region. One which is safe, strong and secure. The Police and Crime Plan is about cutting crime and antisocial behaviour, protecting vulnerable people and maintaining public safety, whilst putting the needs of victims at the heart.

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Funding bulletin January 2017

6 Jan 2017 - 09:35 by michelle.foster

Information for the bulletin is compiled from a number of sources including Grantfinder, GMCVO (Greater Manchester Council for Voluntary Organisations) and direct from funders themselves. It showcases just a few of the hundreds of funding opportunities available for local community, voluntary and faith organisations.

This bulletin is produced by a partnership of local support and development agencies across Greater Manchester.

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Evaluation of Next Gen Youth

16 Dec 2016 - 12:30 by Nigel Rose

The Next Gen Youth (NGY) project was run by Unity Radio. It worked with 23 young people over a year to enable them to produce a series of 2hr radio shows focused on child and sexual exploitation (CSE). Among the benefits for the participants were: a dramatic reduction in missing from home and care incidents; increased confidence and self-belief; and improved social networks. Listeners to the show gained: improved knowldege of issues surrounding CSE; and creation of discussion and debate amongst listeners of all ages.

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