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New dedicated emergency phone line (105) from Electricity North West

8 Sep 2016 - 15:42 by michelle.foster

From Monday 6 September Electricity North West (ENW) have launched a new telephone number (105) for customers to call should they need to report or get information about a power cut in their area. 105 is a free service and you can call the number from most landlines and mobile phones.

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Joseph Rowntree Foundation report - UK poverty: Causes, costs and solutions

8 Sep 2016 - 15:40 by michelle.foster

Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s (JRF) comprehensive report, UK poverty: Causes, costs and solutions, presents the evidence for their strategy to solve UK poverty.

UK poverty is real, costly and harmful. Millions of people, many of them in a working family, are struggling to make ends meet.

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Two weeks to go to be part of Manchester’s Spirit Story

2 Sep 2016 - 10:02 by michelle.foster

Spirit Story is a week-long campaign taking place from 19-23 September that will document the extraordinary everyday work of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Manchester. Over 30 organisations are now involved but there is still time for your organisation to sign up.

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Tesco Bags of Help

2 Sep 2016 - 10:01 by michelle.foster

Bags of Help is Tesco’s local community grant scheme where the money raised from the 5p bag levy in Tesco stores is being used to fund thousands of community projects across the UK. The projects must meet the criteria of promoting community participation in the development and use of outdoor spaces.

Bags of Help is administered by Groundwork and supported in Scotland by greenspace Scotland.

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Postcode Local Trust

2 Sep 2016 - 09:59 by michelle.foster

Postcode Local Trust is inviting applications that encourage lasting benefits by bringing people together to improve local ecology and habitats, encourage bio-diversity and benefit the wider environment.

Registered charities in England, Scotland and Wales can apply from £500 - £20,000 (£10,000 in Wales) for projects meeting the above remit, whilst other organisations may apply for up to £2,000.

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People’s Postcode Trust – 2016 Grants

2 Sep 2016 - 09:57 by michelle.foster

People’s Postcode Trust exists to try to make the world a better place through short-term, designated funding for projects that focus on the prevention of poverty, support healthy living initiatives and uphold human rights for some of society’s most vulnerable groups. It will also consider projects which help different communities come together for the benefit of their local area.

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Charity Finance Group blog - What small charities need to know about auto-enrolment and assessing staff

2 Sep 2016 - 09:55 by michelle.foster

Small and micro charities are coming up to their auto-enrolment staging dates. This blog provides a quick refresh for those people currently going through the process of getting their charities ready to stage.

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Greater Manchester Police consultation on accessing services

2 Sep 2016 - 09:53 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) is asking people how they want to access police services. The consultation continues GMP’s commitment to continuing to develop the most effective service possible. It aims to find out how people prefer to contact police, and identify how the Force can adapt to changes in the ways that people contact them.

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Antisocial behaviour policy and procedure consultation

2 Sep 2016 - 09:52 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council are in the process of developing a new antisocial behaviour policy and procedure.

The City Council welcome your views regarding their approach to tackling antisocial behaviour and encourage you to contribute to the shaping of the policy and procedure by completing this short questionnaire.

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