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The GSK IMPACT Awards 2016

26 Aug 2016 - 10:51 by michelle.foster

The awards are designed to recognise and reward charities that are doing excellent work to improve people’s health. The awards are open to registered charities that are at least three years old, working in a health-related field in the UK, with a total annual income of between £25,000 and £2 million.

They are funded by GlaxoSmithKline and managed in partnership with The King’s Fund.

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Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner’s Active Citizens’ Fund

19 Aug 2016 - 11:17 by michelle.foster

The Police and Crime Commissioner’s Active Citizens’ Fund is a funding scheme for Greater Manchester’s grassroots organisations. Applicants can apply for up to £5,000 of funding to deliver projects that focus on reducing demand on policing and improving community resilience. The Police and Crime Commissioner is especially keen to support a wide range of projects with seed funding that may lead to larger scale innovation in the future.

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The Dream Fund

19 Aug 2016 - 11:14 by michelle.foster

The Dream Fund gives organisations the chance to deliver the project they have always dreamed of, but never had the opportunity to bring to life. The People's Postcode Lottery are asking charitable organisations across Great Britain to think big, be ambitious and collaborate with other not-for-profit partners to deliver their dream project.

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Food For All

19 Aug 2016 - 11:12 by michelle.foster

Food For All is a small project that is part of Manchester Mind. Their aim is to improve people’s mental and physical wellbeing by supporting them to eat better food, to feel more confident about cooking it, and to connect with others during cooking sessions.

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Be Proud Awards

19 Aug 2016 - 11:10 by michelle.foster

Who's your hero? Is there a superstar in your area who deserves their moment in the spotlight?

The Be Proud Awards are a great way to celebrate the city's armies of volunteers who make 'Our Manchester' great, and to thank those extraordinary individuals and groups that work hard to help others. These people make a real difference in communities and help to improve local neighbourhoods.

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City in the Community employability skills programme for 18-24 years old

19 Aug 2016 - 11:08 by michelle.foster

From September 2016, City in the Community will be running an employability skills programme aimed at young people aged between 18-24 years old who are currently not in employment, education or training.

City in the Community is the community programme of Manchester City Football Club and was originally formed in 1894 to combat anti-social behaviour, drug and alcohol, health issues and unemployment in the local community.

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Watch the announcement of the winner of our Spirit of Manchester 2016 Best Community Space Award

18 Aug 2016 - 09:09 by michelle.foster

On Thursday 18 August 2016 we announced the winner for our Spirit of Manchester 2016 Best Community Space Award – congratulations to Growing in the City!

This is the first year of the Best Community Space award and we decided that you the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Manchester should decide the winner. We are delighted that over 700 votes were cast in our online vote.

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Celebrating participation in healthcare grants

12 Aug 2016 - 10:33 by michelle.foster

NHS England is committed to involving patients and public in their work. As part of its commitment they want to share and learn from good practice. NHS England is seeking to make a number of grant awards to enable the showcasing of good practice around patient and public involvement.

Has your community group done some amazing patient, service user or carer engagement work? Has this work improved healthcare services?

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