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Working for a healthier Manchester - Stakeholder bulletin one

29 Jul 2016 - 10:43 by michelle.foster

This bulletin is designed to give you an overview and update of the key, main health and social care developments in Manchester – including how the work fits with the growth and ambitions of the city; devolution programmes across Greater Manchester; and national initiatives.

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Our city’s shared plan to tackle climate change - consultation

29 Jul 2016 - 10:39 by michelle.foster

‘Manchester will play its full part in limiting the impacts of climate change… and by 2025 will be on a path to being a zero carbon city by 2050’.

This is Manchester’s latest commitment on climate change. It is based on the comments made by residents and businesses as part of the public consultation on the Our Manchester strategy in 2015.

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Local Charities Day

29 Jul 2016 - 10:36 by michelle.foster

Rob Wilson, the Minister for Civil Society, has announced plans for a Local Charities Day, which would take place later this year to celebrate local charities and community groups.

Wilson said at the event that the Cabinet Office would offer £250,000 in match funding for a fundraising campaign that encourages giving to these groups.

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Skills exchange - share your views for a chance to win a £2500 grant

29 Jul 2016 - 10:23 by michelle.foster

NCVO is involved in the Skills exchange project which is being led by the government’s Office for Civil Society. The project aims to connect charities and business and raise the awareness of the benefits of skills-based volunteering for both the charity and business sectors. NCVO hope to maximise cross sector skills-based volunteering, whilst preparing the groundwork for future legislation.

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Are you looking to drive a minibus?

27 Jul 2016 - 11:25 by cheryl.mcalister

The Training and Skills Development Foundation are hosting 1 to 1 Minibus Driving Awareness Scheme (MiDAS) training exclusively during August.

  • Bespoke MiDAS One to One Training available
  • Standard MiDAS or Standard & Accessible MiDAS
  • Scheduled to suit your availability
  • Delivered at your venue
  • Free use of our Wheelchair Accessible Minibus for your assessments

More information can be found on the attached booking form.

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The Manchester Maya Project – supporting BAMER Women and Girls in Manchester

22 Jul 2016 - 16:33 by michelle.foster

A collaborative approach to support Black, Asian, minority ethnic and refugee women and girls in Manchester, dealing with crisis, accessing help and support, developing aspirations and achieving dreams.

BAMER Women and Girls will be inspired to raise their aspirations, realise their dreams and live the lives they want to.

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