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Bupa UK Foundation Caring for Carers Funding Programme

15 Jul 2016 - 10:46 by michelle.foster

Across the UK around 7 million people are unpaid carers, supporting a family member or friend who is older, disabled or seriously ill. It is likely that the majority of people will take on caring responsibilities at some point in their lives. Unpaid carers make a vital, hidden contribution to the health and wellbeing of the nation. However, carers are often under significant pressure and many find that caring can take its toll on their own health.

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Digital Arts and Creative Ageing - new £0.5m fund to engage older people in the creative arts

15 Jul 2016 - 10:44 by michelle.foster

Nominet Trust and The Baring Foundation have launched Digital Arts and Creative Ageing. This collaborative grant funding programme aims to engage older people in the creative arts to benefit their health and wellbeing.

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Independent Choices Greater Manchester vacancies for Female Trustees

15 Jul 2016 - 10:43 by michelle.foster

Independent Choices is a Manchester based charity that has been working for almost forty years with women and their dependents who have been effected by domestic abuse. Independent Choices offer two helplines that serve Greater Manchester: a Women’s Domestic Abuse Helpline and a Community Helpline Language Service which is sensitive to the needs of South Asian Women. Independent Choices take around 5,000 calls per year on their helplines that offer advice, signposting, emotional support and referrals to a network of refuges across the UK.

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Opportunity to become a Board Member at Just Psychology CIC

15 Jul 2016 - 10:37 by michelle.foster

Just Psychology is a social enterprise based in the North West of England which provides services which address the psychological and mental health needs of children, adults and families, with particular emphasis on cultural diversity, cultural competence and social justice.

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FGM Prevention Programme update - FGM Summer Campaign launched

15 Jul 2016 - 10:35 by michelle.foster

A new NHS Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) campaign was launched on 9 July. As the start of the summer school holidays near when the numbers of girls taken outside of the UK to be cut increases, this campaign will raise awareness of the severe health implications of FGM for those living in UK who are members of communities affected by FGM.

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Fathers Are Vital Mentoring Programme – looking for positive male mentors

15 Jul 2016 - 10:27 by michelle.foster

Fathers Against Violence are looking for positive male mentors that can offer guidance and support to young males in need of vital help. You will be trained and equipped with the skills needed to help these young men succeed and go on to achieve a positive destination in life.

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Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People Summer Project for comic creators

15 Jul 2016 - 10:24 by michelle.foster

Are you 15 – 25 Years Old? Are you a Disabled Person? Do you live in Manchester?

From 20 July, Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People (GMCDP) is running a summer project to create a comic, working with artist Jim Medway.

The comic will be a story around hate crime, looking at what hate crime is and how we can tell people it’s wrong to be abusive and hostile to disabled people.

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Hopes and Dreams Youth Music Project

15 Jul 2016 - 10:23 by michelle.foster

New Step for African Community (NESTAC) are searching for young people aged 16-25 who are interested in music (percussion, composition, arrangement, vocals and song writing) for a special Black History Month performance in October. 

The theme for the event is 'promoting cultural diversity through music'. NESTAC are looking for enthusiastic young people from diverse backgrounds with a passion for music.

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One Manchester Community Fund - Introducing the One Manchester Soup

8 Jul 2016 - 10:02 by michelle.foster

This time round One Manchester are trying something new - the One Manchester Soup. Based on a project that’s had brilliant results in Detroit, One Manchester are inviting people and groups with creative ideas that make a real difference in their communities to pitch their ideas to a community audience. The audience will then decide on which projects should get what funding over a bowl of soup (or some other lovely food).

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