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Welfare Sanctions Research Findings

14 Jun 2016 - 16:41 by Nigel Rose

A 5 year research programme to investigate the effectiveness of benefit sanctions and work support in helping people to change people's behaviour, has published its initial findings. Among their key findings was that "The impacts of benefit sanctions are universally reported by welfare service users as profoundly negative. Routinely, sanctions had severely detrimental financial, material, emotional and health impacts on those subject to them.

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Welfare Benefits Advisers volunteers wanted at Greater Manchester Law Centre

13 Jun 2016 - 14:48 by michelle.foster

There are only 2 law centres in Bury and Rochdale, with the rest of Greater Manchester (and its 2.7 million people) effectively being a ‘law centre-free zone’. In addition to the increased number of people representing themselves, a recent report by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission citing the disproportionate effect of the legal aid reforms and law centre closures on women, disabled people and BME communities, the demand for a new law centre is clear.

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OurManchester Crowdfunding Launch

10 Jun 2016 - 10:27 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council is launching the new ‘OurManchester’ Hive on crowdfunding platform Spacehive with a pledge pot of £60,000 for your local projects.

Anyone can make great ideas happen through crowdfunding! What could you or your organisation do to make Manchester an even better place to live and work?

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Free counselling and emotional support service for young people in Manchester

10 Jun 2016 - 10:20 by michelle.foster

Any young person aged between 11 and 19, living within the City of Manchester area can now get free online emotional and mental health support using a website called Kooth.com. They can sign up, choose an avatar (an online character) to represent them anonymously and have an online chat with a counsellor or use the many other features on the site such as
message forums and blogs.

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Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People Living Our Lives

10 Jun 2016 - 10:19 by michelle.foster

Living Our Lives are workshops and information sharing events for disabled people of all ages living in Manchester. They are an opportunity to find out more about different issues important to disabled people.

Living Our Lives workshops will be spread out through 2016 and early 2017, so let Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People (GMCDP) know what you want to find out about these can schedule it in later this year.

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Rapha Bike Ride

10 Jun 2016 - 10:18 by michelle.foster

Ride 220 miles with Rapha through the heart of England in one of the most demanding and rewarding events of the year, raising money for Ambitious About Autism along the way. Now in its third year, the Manchester to London challenge will be taking place on Sunday 4 September.

Riders will set off from the Manchester Velodrome at dawn, riding down the spine of the country through the Peak District, Midlands and the Chilterns before finishing at London’s Olympic Velodrome.

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