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Macc's Bid-Writing Service

25 May 2016 - 15:13 by michelle.foster

We know from conversations with a lot of local organisations that pressure to save costs has meant reduced staffing and so reduced capacity to invest in finding new sources of funding. You know what you need to do and what you want to do but you just don’t have enough time and people to do it. Sound familiar? So we’ve developed a new service to enable you to buy in the capacity you need…

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EU Referendum – Register to vote

23 May 2016 - 11:25 by michelle.foster

Don’t miss out on your opportunity to have your say on whether the UK remains in or leaves the European Union.

Registering to vote is easy. You can register to vote online in just a few minutes using a simple form. You’ll need to provide your National Insurance number, your date of birth and your address. If you’re not already registered, you need to register to vote by 7 June, or you’ll miss out. Register now at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote.

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Fitness After Cancer Treatment mini grants towards wellbeing regimes for individuals living with cancer

19 May 2016 - 13:50 by michelle.foster

FACT. Cancer and cancer treatment can have an extreme effect on the body

FACT. It can also be emotionally challenging, undermining confidence

FACT. There is a new organisation dedicated to helping people rebuild physical fitness and emotional wellbeing after cancer treatment...

Fitness After Cancer Treatment provides mini grants towards wellbeing regimes for individuals living with cancer.

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Shared learning workshops in Greater Manchester

19 May 2016 - 10:44 by michelle.foster

Wellbeing Our Way’s POW WOWs (shared learning workshops) bring together people working in charities, wider health and care organisations, and those with lived experience from across Greater Manchester to develop approaches which enable people to live well. They are a great opportunity for shared learning between staff working directly with people with long term health needs, as well as those who are commissioning and developing these approaches.

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Co-op offers free biomass boilers to social and community buildings

19 May 2016 - 10:40 by michelle.foster

Manchester-based Biomass Energy Co-op has launched a scheme to promote the uptake of renewable heat technologies. Aimed specifically at community buildings, co-ops, charities and churches, the scheme offers brand new serviced biomass boiler systems to the end user who just pays for the heat they use.

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The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust

19 May 2016 - 10:21 by michelle.foster

The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust gives grants to registered charities that work in the UK. In 2016 the Trust is focussing on Children and Youth. Priority will be given to projects focussing on homelessness, domestic abuse, prisoners/offenders, training and education, counselling and support, and activities for those with limited access or opportunities. Grants of  £3,000 or £1,000 are available.

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Small Charity Week 2016: 13-18 June

19 May 2016 - 10:18 by michelle.foster

Small Charity Week celebrates and raises awareness of the essential work of the UK’s small charity sector who make an invaluable contribution to the lives of millions of individuals, communities and causes across the UK and the rest of the world.

Small Charity Week is brought to you by the Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI), who with the support of partner organisations ensure the work of small charities is recognised and celebrated.

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Volunteer Peer Support Worker – Love Safely

19 May 2016 - 10:16 by michelle.foster

This is a new Wythenshawe based peer support project for 16-25 year olds funded through Wythenshawe Safe Spots. This is a challenging opportunity for young people wanting to help their peers build more positive, healthy personal relationships. Wythenshawe Safe Spots are looking for 16 young people, aged 16-25 years old to be part of the first team of peer support workers.

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