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Over 55s Positivity and wellbeing group

12 May 2016 - 10:26 by michelle.foster

Depression and low mood affects many of us at some point in our life. It can lead to feeling down and low in our self, getting little or no pleasure out of life, no energy or motivation, poor concentration, having negative thoughts, not knowing what to do and feeling isolated, trapped and stuck. The Positivity and Wellbeing group is here to help.

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Pink Ribbon Foundation

12 May 2016 - 10:24 by michelle.foster

The Pink Ribbon Foundation's mission is to fund projects and provide financial support to UK charities which relieve the needs of people who are suffering from, or who have been affected by breast cancer or who work to advance the understanding of breast cancer, its early detection and treatment.

Grants of up to £5,000 are available for revenue, capital or project costs.

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Equity Foundation Grants

12 May 2016 - 10:23 by michelle.foster

The Equity Foundation connects donors and supporters with local causes to help customers to feel proud to call their community home.

The model of community investment is different. The Equity Foundation believes that great ideas already exist within communities, and by sharing commitment and resources The Equity Foundation know that they can achieve far more than if they worked in isolation.

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New Homelessness Charter for Manchester

11 May 2016 - 15:22 by michelle.foster

The Homelessness Charter, developed by groups working alongside people affected by homelessness, with their voices at its core, is the city’s new approach to tackling homelessness.

One strand of this approach is the Big Change Fund, Manchester’s alternative giving strategy that aims to maximise the use of public donations for the benefit of people who are homeless. 

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Supporting local groups to access the Local Sustainability Fund - A review

6 May 2016 - 11:11 by michelle.foster

Macc has published a report which outlines its recent response to the Cabinet Office’s Local Sustainability Fund (LSF) and its subsequent efforts to support Manchester based groups engaged in the application process. Macc’s overall aim was to increase the groups chances of being successful and therefore being awarded much needed funding.

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Skipton Building Society Grassroots Giving funding 2016

6 May 2016 - 10:25 by michelle.foster

Skipton Building Society offers the Grassroots Giving scheme to support the development of local grassroots groups from across the UK. Organisations should show a real commitment to their local community and enhance the lives of the neighbourhoods they are running within.

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RECLAIM Built By The Working Class Campaign

6 May 2016 - 10:23 by michelle.foster

This week RECLAIM has launched a Built By The Working Class campaign.

This country was built by the people who worked in its factories, shipyards, and mines; who fought its wars; built its roads and houses; and paid its taxes. The working class has a proud history of strength, resilience and hard work.

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Wanted: Friendly volunteers to help run Back on Track’s café and catering enterprise

6 May 2016 - 10:16 by michelle.foster

The ideal café volunteer will be enthusiastic about working in catering and willing to learn about all areas of working in a café (including washing up!). A non-judgmental attitude is essential, and you will be reliable and able to do regular shifts, probably one or two a week minimum.

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Time to Change - Young Adult Carers Service

6 May 2016 - 10:14 by michelle.foster

Are you a Carer aged 16-25 and thinking about your future?

Find out how Manchester Carers Centre can help you:
• Free guidance on employment, learning, and volunteering opportunities
• Accessing grants
• Meet other Young Adult Carers
• Enjoy social events
• Help and advice with money
• Find solutions to help your situations

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Greater Manchester Law Centre (steering group) Consultation

6 May 2016 - 10:12 by michelle.foster

A community law centre in Moss Side? Greater Manchester Law Centre want to hear your voices and are holding two meetings to consult members of the local community about opening a community law centre in Moss Side that will offer free legal advice and representation.

Meeting one
16 May 2016, 6.30pm-8.30pm at St James Church, 95A Princess Rd, Manchester, M14 4TH

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