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Food items collection for Syria Refugees

15 Apr 2016 - 09:55 by michelle.foster

Awaaz Community Project in collaboration with SKT Welfare are collecting essential life saving food items for the refugees in Syria.

54.3 percent of the population lives in extreme poverty, without adequate access to food. Many citizens face hunger, malnutrition, and starvation. Your support is needed to make a difference to their lives.

SKT Welfare operates a 100% donation policy. In one of their recent projects SKT Welfare distributed over 16,648 food parcels in Damascus and Northern Syria. Your donations will benefit the children and poor people of Syria.

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BBC launches volunteering initiative encouraging people to Do Something Great

15 Apr 2016 - 09:47 by michelle.foster

This year the BBC will be encouraging audiences to Do Something Great and discover their ‘inner volunteer’.

With a wealth of inspiring and heart-warming programmes across TV and radio, and a bespoke online quiz to help people discover their perfect volunteering match, the BBC will be putting people and charities in touch, to help each other.

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Putting the Great in Greater Manchester: RECLAIM Project launches #GreatManc campaign

8 Apr 2016 - 09:42 by michelle.foster

What do you think makes Greater Manchester so great? That’s the question being asked by Greater Manchester’s youth leadership charity, RECLAIM Project, as part of their new #GreatManc campaign.

From the 11 April, Greater Manchester will begin to see the face of 16-year-old Elijah, one of RECLAIM Project’s Powerhouse Pioneers, on billboards featuring a point from their recent manifesto:

“Discarding intolerance makes a great society, embracing our differences makes our Manchester Greater.”

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Get involved in The Big Dig in Manchester on Saturday 16 April

8 Apr 2016 - 09:39 by michelle.foster

It's about much more than digging. It’s about growing food and getting outside.
It’s about building raised beds and creating community. It’s about planting seeds and making new friends.

Ways to get involved:
• Find a garden to volunteer with on the day
• Promote the Big Dig to your friends and family to help support your local community gardens
• Attend the open day and have fun

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Heritage Windows: Businesses across Greater Manchester invited to tell their stories and histories during Manchester Histories Festival 2016

8 Apr 2016 - 09:36 by michelle.foster

From clothes shops to hotels, car showrooms to solicitors, locksmiths to mechanics, bakers to book shops, cafes, restaurants, bars and pubs to hairdressers, high street brands and independents; every business is part of telling the story of the great City region.

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Sunday Assembly in Manchester

8 Apr 2016 - 09:34 by michelle.foster

"The Sunday Assembly was started by Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans, two comedians who were on the way to a gig in Bath when they discovered they both wanted to do something that was like church but totally secular and inclusive of all - no matter what they believed.

The first ever Sunday Assembly meeting took place on 6 January 2013 at The Nave in Islington. Almost 200 people turned up at the first meeting, 300 at the second and soon people all over the world asked to start one.

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