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Consultations launched into voluntary sector role in health and care

17 Sep 2015 - 10:21 by michelle.foster

Two consultations have been published to help to determine the future of voluntary sector involvement in health and care.

As part of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) review, respondents from the voluntary and health and social care sectors will give their views on the current state of partnership working, and how closer collaboration could be fostered.

The second consultation will also seek views on the role and effectiveness of the government’s current ‘voluntary sector investment partnership’ suite of grants.

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Paul Hamlyn Foundation – Youth Fund

17 Sep 2015 - 10:20 by michelle.foster

The Youth Fund will provide core funding to organisations within the youth sector and outside. This is a direct response to what Paul Hamlyn Foundation found in from their strategy consultation – that in order to achieve greatest positive impact in the lives of young people you work with or for, you need to achieve a balance of stability, continuity and flexibility.

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2015 Starbucks Youth Action programme

17 Sep 2015 - 10:19 by michelle.foster

UK Youth and Starbucks Coffee Company are delighted to announce the launch of its 2015 Starbucks Youth Action programme.

Are you working with young people aged 16 – 24 who are not in education or employment? Would you like to support them to run a social action programme with funding of up to £1000, with an additional contribution for youth workers support time?

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Global Fund for Women - Women's Fund Open

17 Sep 2015 - 10:17 by michelle.foster

Global Fund for Women invests in women's groups that advance the human rights of women and girls and strengthen’s women-led groups based outside the United States by providing grants ranging from $5,000 to $30,000 per year for operating and project expenses.

First-time grant awards generally range from $5,000 to $13,000 per year. We value local expertise and believe that women themselves know best how to determine their needs and propose solutions for lasting change.

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Spirit of Manchester Festival map of events and calendar

17 Sep 2015 - 10:04 by michelle.foster

The Spirit of Manchester Festival programme has now been released! Check out the map and calendar here. It’s not too late if you want to put on your own event or you can simply support the festival by just coming down to events in your area!

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The Hobby Journal - Your personal guide to social activities in Manchester for the over 50s

17 Sep 2015 - 10:02 by michelle.foster

Did you know that commissioners of health services in Manchester have been working with voluntary and community groups on projects for older people in the city?

The aim is to help people in their 50s and over to stay involved in hobbies and social groups so they don’t feel isolated, which can have a big impact on physical and mental health.

The groups offer a wide range of recreational ideas and are also a way of making friends and easing loneliness.

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Manchester Advocacy Hub Website goes live

17 Sep 2015 - 10:01 by michelle.foster

The Manchester Advocacy Hub Website is now live and is a comprehensive tool for professionals, users and their families to find out about advocacy in Manchester. The information on the website includes; what advocacy is and what statutory rights a person has to advocacy under the Mental Capacity Act, the Mental Health Act and the Care Act.

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Funding available to employ Manchester Metropolitan University graduates

17 Sep 2015 - 10:00 by michelle.foster

MMU’s graduate internship scheme ‘GradMatch’ helps organisations across the North West to recruit a recent graduate for at least 8 weeks and receive £1000 towards their salary. MMU’s Employer Liaison Team offers support with the job description, promotion and provides organisations with a shortlist of suitable graduates. Organisations are asked to contribute an additional £1,000 to provide the graduate with the National Minimum Wage during their internship.

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Volunteer Peer Mentor and Befriender at Manchester Carers Forum

17 Sep 2015 - 09:59 by michelle.foster

Manchester Carers Forum are looking for volunteers for the Peer Mentoring and Befriending Project, to visit carers on a one to one basis and provide flexible support.

You will be able to signpost to local services which may be of benefit to the carer, making them aware of the support available and help prevent isolation.

Experience of caring in a non professional capacity is required.

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End of Life Care Strategy: Focus Groups

17 Sep 2015 - 09:31 by michelle.foster

Pennine Acute Hospital Trust is currently developing an End of Life Care Strategy. The Trust is interested in feedback from families and carers who have experience of services provided by the Trust in relation to End of Life Care.

The Trust will be holding two focus groups in October to gather service experiences and would encourage people to attend to share their feedback so that they can provide excellent care and meet the needs of patients, families and carers.

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