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Save Our Social Enterprises

29 Apr 2020 - 15:43 by michelle.foster

A new collaborative campaign to Save our Social Enterprises has been launched. We know that Social enterprises are at the heart of the fight against coronavirus and that they will be vital for the social and economic recovery from this crisis, but too many are falling through the cracks in Government support.

There are four key points to the campaign:

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Cyber Aware Campaign Launches this week

29 Apr 2020 - 15:36 by michelle.foster

Cyber Resilience CentreThe National Cyber Security Centre has launched their #cyberaware campaign this week as cyber crime surges due to COVID-19. The website provides advice on how to stay secure online.

Businesses can access all the help, advice and information they need to help become cyber resilient and prevent online attacks. Greater Manchester businesses can get 3 month membership at no charge.

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Carry on campaigning

24 Apr 2020 - 10:51 by michelle.foster

The government cannot afford to overlook or undervalue the not-for-profit sector at the moment. As we navigate the worst impacts of the coronavirus outbreak, people across the country are relying on VCSE organisations, the essential support they provide and how they shape our society for the better. And we shall all continue to rely on their expertise and experience now, in acute crisis, and as we move on to the recovery effort that lies ahead.

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Standard Life Foundation Coronavirus pandemic – fast track applications

23 Apr 2020 - 15:19 by michelle.foster

Standard Life FoundationStandard Life Foundation are making funding available for work directly related to the pandemic, addressing specific challenges and helping to contribute to social change which tackles financial problems and improves living standards for those on low-to-middle incomes in the UK.

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COVID-19 Emergency Surplus Food Grant

23 Apr 2020 - 15:14 by michelle.foster

wrapAs part of the UK Government's collaborative response to supporting key infrastructure throughout this difficult time, Defra is today making £3.25m available through the Resource Action Fund administered by WRAP. The COVID-19 Emergency Surplus Food Grant will be delivered in three phases.

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