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The Resourcing Racial Justice fund

19 May 2020 - 14:38 by michelle.foster

resourcing racial justiceThe purpose of the Resourcing Racial Justice fund is to provide financial support to individuals and organisations that are working to redress the impact of COVID-19 and beyond on those who identify as People of Colour (POC).

POC includes other terms such as BAME, black, indigenous, people of colour (BIPOC).

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British Muslim COVID-19 Fund Grant

19 May 2020 - 14:21 by michelle.foster

british muslim covid-19 fundThis Fund is to help charities, organisations and voluntary groups in the UK irrespective of faith affected by the impact of Covid-19.

Grants from £250 up to £5,000 are available.

You are invited to submit an application if you are a charity, organisation or voluntary group working towards ameliorating the impact of coronavirus.

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Cash and COVID: tips for uncertain times

14 May 2020 - 14:53 by michelle.foster

Article from Charity Financials

“Revenue is vanity, profit is sanity, but cash is king”. A quote aimed at the commercial world, but just as relevant to non-profits…

Working in a non-profit, ideally, we want money in and money out, neatly scheduled so that we remain in credit. However the real world is not like that at the best of times, and certainly not now.

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GM VCSE leaders are asking the Government for urgent help

14 May 2020 - 09:55 by michelle.foster

Chairs of GMCVO, the GM VCSE Leadership Group, the GM BAME Network and GM BAME SE Network and the GM Social Enterprise Network have written to the Chancellor, the Rt. Hon. Rishi Sunak asking for more support for voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations.

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GM Mental Wellbeing Grants

13 May 2020 - 09:50 by michelle.foster

GMCVO, working in partnership with 10GM, have launched a grants programme to support people from communities of identity or experience, based in Greater Manchester that may struggle to achieve higher levels of mental wellbeing.

The communities we want to reach are:

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Keep telling the world why your organisation is #NeverMoreNeeded than now

13 May 2020 - 09:47 by michelle.foster

never more neededThe government cannot afford to overlook or undervalue the not-for-profit sector at the moment. As we navigate the worst impacts of the coronavirus outbreak, people across the country are relying on VCSE organisations, the essential support they provide and how they shape our society for the better.

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Power to Change report – Local Heroes: How to sustain community spirit beyond Covid-19

13 May 2020 - 09:27 by michelle.foster

power to changeIn their latest report, Local Heroes: How to sustain community spirit beyond COVID-19, Vidhya Alakeson and Will Brett examine how community businesses can play a key role in harnessing all the goodwill that has been unleashed.

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Disadvantaged groups in Greater Manchester supported with £100,000

11 May 2020 - 11:25 by michelle.foster

Lankelly Chase£100,000 has been allocated to support people experiencing extreme disadvantage in Greater Manchester through the coronavirus pandemic.

The £100,000 donation has come from the Lankelly Chase Foundation and will go to disabled people’s organisations and community organisations supporting those at risk of domestic abuse.

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