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Arts Council business support programme – Prosper

24 Apr 2017 - 15:17 by michelle.foster

Prosper offers the opportunity for arts and cultural organisations, companies or individual entrepreneurs in England to participate in nine months of free, dynamic and impactful business support activities to improve resilience, commercial capacity and investment readiness. Prosper

The programme will deliver 1-to-1 business advice, masterclasses, workshops, webinars and meetups.

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Locality report: Places and Spaces – The Future of community asset ownership

24 Apr 2017 - 15:12 by michelle.foster

Public buildings and spaces are vital; whether they are local libraries, green spaces or community centres, these assets sit at the heart of our neighbourhoods. Locality

But years of austerity measures and cuts to local authority budgets have meant that hard-pressed councils are having to sell, cut or shut crucial parts of community infrastructure.

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Bupa UK Foundation - Healthy Futures: Empowering young adults funding programme

20 Apr 2017 - 12:13 by michelle.foster

Bupa UK Foundation’s Healthy Futures funding programme focuses on young adults aged 18 to 25. Bupa is specifically interested in projects that will have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of young adults who face ongoing health challenges, supporting and empowering them to live life to the full. Bupa Foundation

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A.F. Blakemore Launches 1917 Heritage Grants Scheme

20 Apr 2017 - 12:08 by michelle.foster

A.F. Blakemore is marking its centenary with a 1917 Heritage Grants Scheme to support good causes across its trading area. A.F Blakemore

This year, the company’s charitable trust, the Blakemore Foundation, will be awarding a number of one-off community grants worth £1,917 each to good causes across England and Wales.

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The Open Fund for Organisations

20 Apr 2017 - 11:49 by michelle.foster

The Open Fund for Organisations supports new music projects led by promoters, talent development organisations, venues, curators and large performance groups. Projects must involve the creation, performance and promotion of new music and enable songwriters, composers, or solo artists, bands, producers and performers of all backgrounds to develop creatively and professionally. The Open Fund

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