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Students launch new sustainability app

29 Mar 2017 - 10:05 by michelle.foster

A new app that helps charities discover what unwanted household items people are willing to share has been launched. DONATEiT

DONATEiT is the creation of Georgia-Leigh Wheeler and Sina Taavon, two sixth-formers from Connell Sixth Form College in Manchester, who created the app as part of the Apps for Good initiative.

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£200,000 for UK social enterprises - Supporting social innovation with Crowdfunder

24 Mar 2017 - 11:17 by michelle.foster

Santander teams up with Crowdfunder to launch new £200,000 fund to support social enterprises and community projects across the UK. Changemaker is a fund to help social enterprises, small charities and community groups to deliver projects in the UK that create innovative solutions to improve communities. Santander

Santander has £200,000 to support Changemakers who turn to the Crowd to make great ideas happen.

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The Sage Foundation

24 Mar 2017 - 11:15 by michelle.foster

The Sage Foundation fund is designed to support organisations that are looking to generate further income, create new initiatives or enhance existing and proven activity. Grants of between $5,000 - $35,000(USD) will be awarded. Sage Foundation

The new fund is open to applications that will deliver real change to young people, women and military veterans lives around the world, whilst also supporting your organisation to thrive.

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Community Links for Health - Soft Market Testing event

24 Mar 2017 - 11:07 by michelle.foster

North, Central and South Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and Manchester City Council are committed to delivering a radical upgrade in prevention and public health, as outlined in the NHS Five Year Forward View. As part of its prevention programme, the CCGs intend to tender a citywide ‘Community Links for Health’ service to support the registered population of Central, North, and South Manchester. NHS CCGs

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Manchester City Council budget – based on what you said

24 Mar 2017 - 10:25 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council finalised their Council budget in early March after more than eight months of listening to the views of residents who took part in their biggest ever budget consultation. Manchester City Council

To take a look at the basics of how the new budget will be spent visit: www.manchester.gov.uk/budget

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Mynshull’s Educational Foundation

17 Mar 2017 - 12:07 by michelle.foster

Gaddum administers the Mynshull’s Educational Foundation which provides grants to children and young adults up to the age of 25 from disadvantaged backgrounds to purchase books, equipment and uniforms to enable them to continue their education or apprenticeship. The student must live in the City of Manchester or its immediate surroundings abutting the City.

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Greggs Foundation - Local Community Projects Fund

16 Mar 2017 - 14:58 by michelle.foster

The Local Community Projects Fund helps organisations based in local communities to deliver projects or provide equipment to people in need at the heart of local communities. The Greggs Foundation are interested in projects that improve resilience within your community of interest. Greggs Foundation

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BBC Children in Need - grants programme

16 Mar 2017 - 14:56 by michelle.foster

The BBC Children in Need grant supports UK charities and not for profit organisations working with disadvantaged children and young people who are 18 years old and under. Small grants of £10,000 or less per year for up to three years and Main Grants over £10,000 per year for up to three years. BBC Children in need

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