Capacity Building

The Veolia Environmental Trust grants – 2014 deadlines

The Veolia Environmental Trust are committed to supporting community and environmental projects across the UK. These include improving community halls, creating new play areas and skate parks, and restoring green spaces. Projects must restore derelict land, prevent pollution, provide public amenities or encourage biodiversity.

Charities told to follow new guidance on campaigning issued by the Electoral Commission

With the General election less than a year away, the Charity Commission, the regulator of charities in England and Wales, is urging charities to follow new guidance on campaigning for charities, produced by the Electoral Commission, and to follow its own rules on political campaigning.

Age-friendly Manchester Small Grants Fund – next deadline 31 July 14

The Age-friendly Manchester Small Grants Fund supports local groups with grants of up to £300, focusing on projects that reduce social isolation and loneliness. The Panel welcomes applications for grants for sustainable community projects that improve neighbourhoods and services for older people.

2015 GSK IMPACT Awards

The GSK IMPACT Awards are designed to recognise and reward charities that are doing excellent work to improve people’s health. They are funded by GlaxoSmithKline and managed in partnership with The King’s Fund.

The awards are open to registered charities that are at least three years old, working in a health-related field in the UK, with a total annual income between £25,000 and £2 million.

Big Energy Saving Network - Grant Offer Fund

The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is pleased to announce the launch of the 2014/15 Big Energy Saving Network, a £1 million programme of training, support and grant funding for eligible third sector organisations and community groups to deliver an extensive programme of outreach to vulnerable consumers, focussed on helping them reduce their energy costs through assisted action on tariffs, switching and the take up of energy efficiency offers.

New online donations service for small and medium size charities

The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) have announced the launch of a new donation processing platform to make it easier for charities to raise money.

CAF Donate is a new platform that will help free up small and medium size charities from the administrative burden of processing donations on and offline and make it easy for them to accept regular donations by Direct Debit, as well as one-off gifts.

Charity Commission launches consultation on Annual Return 2015

The Charity Commission, the independent regulator of charities in England and Wales, has launched a consultation on a number of proposals for changes to the Annual Return for 2015.

The announcement follows previous consultations in 2012 and 2013, when the regulator reviewed the information it collects and makes publicly available from registered charities, through the Annual Return and at registration. The findings of the consultations helped inform changes to the content of the Annual Return for 2013 and 2014.