Capacity Building

Funding opportunity for services supporting women offenders

Grants from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) are available to VCSE organisations that deliver community-based services to women offenders in Bury, Oldham, Rochdale, Stockport, Tameside and Wigan (1 grant allocation per district).

GMCVO is working with the PCC to help voluntary organisations access this opportunity for funding, which aims to ensure that there is a minimum standard of provision for all women across Greater Manchester. (The other four authority areas already have VCSE providers that deliver to this standard).

Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust – Sustainable Future

Climate change caused by human activity is threatening the well-being of humanity. The wealthiest countries and individuals are responsible for a disproportionate share of emissions, whilst the poorest countries and sections of society are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Similarly, our use of natural resources is unsustainable and unjust. Technological change is essential but not sufficient; fundamental changes to economic models and social norms will also be required, but there is not yet sufficient public or political consensus to make these changes.

New audio podcasts from the Charity Commission - Helping trustees tackle challenges and prevent problems at their charities

The Charity Commission, the regulator of charities in England and Wales, has published two new audio podcasts, designed to help charity trustees understand their duties under charity law.

Over two podcasts, trustees can hear from experienced Commission staff about the principles of some of the regulators guidance. The new episodes include:

Age-friendly Manchester Small Grants Fund 2014

The Age-friendly Small Grants fund provides small grants of up to £300 for projects that benefit older people living in the City of Manchester. Priority is given to grant applications looking to provide sustainable support to community groups and projects in Manchester and in particular projects tackling social isolation and loneliness.

Applications are accepted from voluntary organisations, community groups and charities.

Small Charity Week 16 - 21 June 2014

Small Charity Week celebrates and raises awareness of the essential work of the UK’s small charity sector who make an invaluable contribution to the lives of millions of individuals, communities and causes across the UK and the rest of the world.

Small Charity Week is brought to you by the Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI), who with the support of partner organisations ensure the work of small charities is recognised and celebrated.

Skipton Building Society Grassroots Giving 2014

For 2014, Skipton Building Society has allocated 161 donations of £500 to help fund development for grassroots organisations.

The idea behind the Grassroots Giving campaign is to help community organisations, or groups, who only have access to limited funding from elsewhere. If you are a small group that is working to help those in your local neighbourhood this is for you.

ESF Community Learning Grants 2014

Does your group want to help people overcome barriers and gain the skills and confidence to get back into work?

Small community and voluntary groups, registered charities and social enterprises, with preference given to organisations with a turnover of no more than £300,000 per year in each of the last 2 years can apply.