Mental Health

National Suicide Bereavement Survey

Dr Sharon Mcdonnell, is leading a national suicide bereavement survey, conducted by the University of Manchester and Support After Suicide Partnership. Anyone, aged 18 and over, in the UK, who considers themselves bereaved or affected by suicide (including professionals e.g. police and ambulance staff etc.) who might be exposed to such deaths can participate. You will be asked to complete an online survey which will identify your experiences and needs, to help inform the developments of services for those bereaved by suicide in the future.


Information on plans to commemorate the anniversary of the Manchester Arena attack

Manchester City Council is leading the city’s arrangements to mark the anniversary of the Manchester Arena attack on Tuesday 22 May 2018. We love Manchester Chairty

Those affected by those terrible events will want to mark the date in different ways, so the programme is varied and takes different forms, to make sure that people can feel connected to it.

Civil Society Strategy Consultation: Save the Petunias!

"Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it fell was “Oh no, not again”.

Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the Universe than we do now."

Hear the perspectives of young black men and help them to access services - The We Tell You research report and manifesto

The We Tell You research report explores explanations to why black men do not access mental health services. We Tell You Report

It is the result of a three-year study with 26 young peers who, supported by Manchester based mental health charity 42’nd Street and the Manchester Metropolitan University, spoke to 78 young black men aged between 13 – 24 across Greater Manchester.

New £15 million programme to help train one million in mental health first aid

A new £15 million programme will see up to 1 million people trained in basic mental health “first aid” skills. The programme will improve personal resilience and help people recognise and respond effectively to signs of mental illness in others.

The campaign, designed and delivered by Public Health England (PHE), will help people assess their own mental wellbeing and learn techniques to reduce stress.


Thriving not just surviving: Young Men and Mental Health

Comic Relief has launched a £1.75 million fund to support vulnerable and disadvantaged young men with mental health problems. Comic Relief is seeking proposals to deliver specialised mental health provision which puts the needs of young men at the heart of their work. Comic Relief are especially interested in funding organisations that test out different approaches to engagement and support to establish what works.

TLC - St Lukes: community, healthy living, arts, mental health

TLC - St Lukes are a small local charity in Longsight / Ardwick based at St Lukes Church aiming to improve the mental health and wellbeing of local people. TLC St Lukes

You can get involved by joining activities or by volunteering in the centre.

You can call in to TLC - St Lukes, Guide Post Road, Longsight, Manchester, M13 9HP on any Tuesday or Thursday or contact 0161 273 1538.

Spirit Story for Volunteers' Week 2017: John Sennett - John's Road to Volunteering

Our second Volunteers’ Week Spirit Story has been suuplied by John Sennett.

Enter John Sennett...

"John Sennett, a volunteer veteran brings to life his passion for helping others and the charity sector, by running the blog, John’s Road to Volunteering.

John’s Road to Volunteering is a platform sharing a volunteer’s journey into inspiring, motivating and educating others, whilst giving others an opportunity to share their story."