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DCMS publishes Volunteering During Coronavirus guide

9 Apr 2021 - 09:20 by michelle.foster

dcms logoThe Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has published a new GOV.UK guide: Volunteering during coronavirus (COVID-19) aimed at members of the public who are currently, or are interested in, volunteering during the pandemic. It sets out clearly, in chapters, everything people need to know to be able to volunteer safely.

It includes advice on:

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Step Together Volunteering: ‘For My Future’ Course, for people with experience of the criminal justice system.

9 Apr 2021 - 09:16 by michelle.foster

step together volunteering logoStep Together Volunteering supports participants to build and develop the personal and practical skills needed to move forward. As well as offering progression routes into volunteering, training, and employment.

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