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Organisation Name Description Cash donations Non-cash donations
YPAC Manchester YPAC offers a range of activities and support to young people aged 10-19 in the Miles Platting and Ancoats Area of Manchester. This includes open access drop in sessions, projects in the arts, sports or community development, holiday schemes, one to one support and the Transitions programme. YPAC…
Zen Youth We are a youth mentor organisation working with young people that are in alternative provision and children's homes, offering educational and creative workshops and support. None cash donations can be dropped off to our premisis
ZIMANO Community Group Contact us about making a donation Contact us for information about where to make a donation
Zimbabwe Women's Organisation-ZIWO ZIWO supports Zimbabwean women, families, and wider Africans in promoting their culture and heritage. It offers homework support for young people and provides informal advice, advocacy, and campaigns. ZIWO provides a food bank for Zimbabweans in Greater Manchester Contact us to discuss how to make a donation