Alternative Women's Economy — New women's collective in Manchester

AWE is the Alternative Women’s Economy. A dynamic network of women in and around the Greater Manchester area taking control of the narrative, creating a common voice to affect the policies that impact marginalised, low-income, working-class, Black and Minority Ethnic women and call for change. An orange background with outlines of women

The Alternative Women’s Economy (AWE) and the Women’s Resource Centre (WRC) are working collaboratively to ensure the voices of marginalised women based in Greater Manchester are heard. Through their lived experience, marginalised women can expertly inform solutions for how society can work more equitably, but they are largely invisible to opinion-formers and policymakers. Their lived experiences go unheard, allowing huge inequalities to be embedded in the policies supposed to serve women.

The Aim
The fundamental goal is to promote women’s agency; we believe women should control their own narratives, especially when engaging with the media.

AWE aims to equip Greater Manchester women’s organisations and their beneficiaries with the skills and confidence to engage with the media, allowing women to embed their stories and solutions within local and national policy.

Read more and join the network here