Consultation on Advocacy Services in Manchester

Manchester City Council is holding meetings on Tuesday 2 September 2014 and Friday 26 September 2014 to consult on proposals for a new Advocacy Hub.

The Care Act 2014 requires the City Council to provide independent advocacy for those who may have difficulty understanding and participating in the assessment process. An advocate provides support to an individual to help them express their needs and wishes, secure their rights, represent their interests and obtain the care and support they need

The consultation period will run from the 1-30 September 2014, detailed information about the proposed changes and a consultation questionnaire can be found on Manchester City Council's website at:

A public consultation meeting will be held at Manchester Town Hall, Lord Mayors Parlour on Tuesday 2 September, 10am-12noon.

A further meeting for Advocacy Providers and VCS organisations will be held at Manchester Town Hall on Friday 26 September, 10am-12noon.

For more information and to your confirm attendance at either of the meetings, contact Paul Johnston, on 0770 106 5447, or email: [email protected]