Short Breaks for Children and Young People with a Disability Manchester City Council approved providers list

Manchester City Council is seeking to have a number of providers on an Approved list who can deliver a range of different options for short break services to children and young people with a disability. Manchester City Council

These are categorised under four headings:
• Lot 1 - Personal Care Assistance Services
• Lot 2 - Sitting Services
• Lot 3 - Befriending/Outreach Services
• Lot 4 - Sessional Recreation Activities

Further information regarding the tender specification can be found in the invitation to tender documents which are available for download from the chest portal at:

The Approved List period will be for 2 years with an option to extend up to an additional 2 years. The intended commencement date is 1 April 2017 (although the Council reserves the right to amend this timescale).

Deadline: Wednesday 8 February 2017, 17:00