As many of you will be aware, Young Manchester is a new charity focused on supporting Youth and Play Services in the city. Young Manchester’s mission is to help improve the life chances of children and young people by giving them access to high-quality, inclusive opportunities.
Over the past six months Young Manchester have developed a strong Board of Trustees comprising highly experienced and committed leaders from across the voluntary and community, private and public sectors.
Young Manchester have also secured support from academics specialising in business and youth studies.
In Autumn 2016 Young Manchester commenced a recruitment process to appoint a Chief Executive, a high-profile and demanding role that will require strategic vision, multi-sector experience and a broad set of operational skills. Unfortunately, they did not appoint and are continuing their search.
This process is currently ongoing and Young Manchester are hopeful to be able to announce the successful candidate by the end of the first quarter in 2017.
In line with this timeframe, Young Manchester believes they will be in a position to officially launch in April 2017. At this point Young Manchester will look to build a significant profile for the charity and commence regular stakeholder communications.
Young Manchester will also continue to work closely with Manchester city council in relation to their youth and play commissioning timelines and transition from April 2017.
The nurturing of cross-sector relationships will be central to the success of Young Manchester, so engaging with partners and contacts across the city will be a key priority early in the New Year.
For further information about Young Manchester, contact Nigel Wilson, Chair Young Manchester, on 0800 633 5500 / 0300 111 0000, or email: [email protected]