
Max Trax is an exciting new community-led cycle track in Openshaw, Manchester. In memory of Max Rimmer-Chambers, Max Trax will be built in the heart of the Openshaw community in Delamere Park. It…
Rosa’s Rise Fund provides organisational development funding for Black and minoritised-led women’s and girls’ organisations across the UK. Through this fund, Rosa are offering two-year grants of up…
Non-profit organisations across the United Kingdom can now apply for their share of a £3.5 million pot from the National Lottery Community Fund, in celebration of Her Majesty the Queen’s 70th year of…
The Be Proud Awards are the city’s celebration of the extraordinary volunteers and unsung local champions who make a real difference in our communities and help to make Manchester great. Having not…
The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign this year taking place 25 November to 10 December 2021. 2021 marks the 30th anniversary of the Global 16 Days…
Are you a Carer for a child or young person with a disability or care for an adult? Do you consider yourself to be of Asian Heritage? Do you want to improve support for Asian Carers across Greater…
Do you have a university degree from your home country in one of the following areas: Engineering IT and/or telecoms   Architecture   Business services (HR, logistics, procurement) This…
Gambling-related harm can be very hidden and the signs, such as debt, depression and anxiety, may not immediately suggest that gambling is the cause. Women make up over 80% of affected others who…
Bee Vocal Choir along with the BridgeWater Hall are looking to enter into discussions with a Mental Health organisation/charity/ social enterprise to develop a long-term partnership with. Bee Vocal…
The latest GM Poverty Action newsletter reports on the launch of the Tameside Poverty Truth Commission. Usdaw’s General Secretary writes for GMPA about a new deal needed for the retail sector and…
Pioneer visits go virtual  Number 31 Toad Lane (known as Rochdale Pioneers Museum); premises of the first modern co-operative, traditionally draws visitors from the neighbourhood and all over…
The University of Manchester are currently working on an NIHR funded research project aiming to Enhance the CAMHS referral process. The aim of the research is to understand what the difficulties are…