Every Tuesday afternoon at 2pm-4pm we have a weekly drop-in for community groups. Come along for a chat with our friendly team at our offices: Macc, Swan Buildings, 3rd Floor, 20 Swan Street,…
Does your group work with children and families in the early years anywhere in Greater Manchester?
As VCSE representatives on the GM School Readiness Board, Homestart are trying to establish a…
Manchester's history-making LGBT+ Centre is being rebuilt! Works will commence in August 2019 and be completed in May 2020. During this period The Proud Trust are seeking premises to house their…
Are you interested in film-making? Would you like to develop some practical film-making skills? Want to work with an award-winning filmmaker to create unique and original films which will make a real…
We’re so used to reading online, road signs, books, emails and labels in supermarkets that we often don’t give it a second thought. However, up to one in twenty adults in this country struggle to…
The Manchester Museum and the Whitworth, part of the University of Manchester, and Manchester Art Gallery provide creative arts for health programmes for the local community through a varied…
Manchester City Council is working with the DfE on a project to promote and raise awareness of effective safeguarding practices at activities delivered to children, without their parents' or carers'…
No matter whether you’re a stroller, roamer, shuffler, moocher or a marcher the Greater Manchester Walking Festival (GM Walking Festival ) has something for you. Back bigger and better for the fifth…
Emmeline's Pantry are in the process of moving into a new building, the former Sure Start Centre in Chorlton Park. The previous owners have kindly left items which Emmeline's Pantry have no use for…
In The Greater Manchester Poverty Action Newsletter there is information about the Good Employment Charter, an update from Salford City Council on their ‘No-one Left Behind’ campaign at the end of…
Last July was the launch of the Greater Manchester Adult Mental Health Service User Network:
A Steering Group…
As part of the refurbishment of Manchester Town Hall Manchester City Council have 24 used cycle cages that are due to be disposed of that they would like to donate to a school or voluntary…