Information Pack for GM Adult MH Service User Network

Last July was the launch of the Greater Manchester Adult Mental Health Service User Network:

A Steering Group of service user and carers was formed and has been working behind the scenes and meeting regularly to agree a governance structure of a Chair and Vice Chair with 1 representative from each of the 10 boroughs which is known as the CORE group of members.

The Core group will link into a Steering Group of further representatives (2 from each borough) made up of people with lived experience either as a service user or carer. Please note that these roles are on a voluntary basis.

The working group are now asking for 'Expressions of Interest' to join the Steering Group which will feed into the wider Greater Manchester Adult MH Service User Network and the work taking place across the Greater Manchester footprint.

The working group are asking for a short bio consisting of no more than 3 paragraphs telling them who you are and your links within your community, this will then be shared within the Core GMSUN Group and the Senior management in GMHSCP for consideration. It may happen that there are various people expressing an interest from one area and the Core group are working on a fair way to decide who is best placed to be on the group, but please know that if you are unsuccessful there will be many ways of being involved in the GMSUN wider group.

If you are successful with your application how do you envisage your engagement with the local Mental health community and how will you ensure that it reflects the diverse backgrounds of people and is inclusive of the protected characteristics under the 2010 Equality Act.

Deadline for expressions of interest: Friday 5 April and applicants will be notified via email on 8 April.