
Make your Mark is the UK Youth Parliament’s annual ballot of 11-18 year olds. Make Your Mark gives a unique opportunity to reach out to young people who go on to be opinion formers and leaders of…
Know any budding young Greater Manchester leaders who want to learn from the experts and make real environmental change?Or anyone unemployed, under-employed or working a zero-hour contract who needs…
Catalyst is a dynamic and exciting programme offering free training to young people of diverse faiths and backgrounds who are between 16 to 26 year of age. The programme equips young people with the…
The Department of Health and its system partners, Public Health England and NHS England, continue to value the important contribution that voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE)…
Manchester City Council in partnership with Manchester Youth Council and sponsors are holding the first ever Youth Buzz Awards to celebrate the positive contributions that young people are making to…
The Pankhurst Trust (Incorporating Manchester Women’s Aid) is a Manchester based charity active for over 40 years in the City. As their name suggests they host a small museum dedicated to the…
Manchester's Community Safety Strategy Consultation has now started. The Community Safety Partnership is consulting with residents, visitors and people who work in the city. The Community Safety…
Manchester City Council is preparing a new Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) which sets out how stakeholders will be involved during planning policy preparation and how they will consult on…
In the first autumn newsletter you will find an article by Debbie Abrahams MP about the Oldham Fairness Commission, their first regular GM Living Wage Campaign column, a report on the different…
Be Pennywise will help people navigate money advice online and will help them manage their money better. This is a 6 week course that takes place weekly on a Tuesday from the 29 August to the 3…
Healthy on the Inside, Happy on the Outside will help people learn about exercising and eating healthy without spending extra money. This 6 week course running on Thursday mornings from 9.30 - 11.…
Since 1999, over £600,000 has been collected in the fountains across intu Trafford Centre. Every single coin is cleaned, counted and donated to local charities – the centre chooses three worthy…