
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing (APPGAHW) was formed in 2014 and aims to improve awareness of the benefits that the arts can bring to health and wellbeing. During 2015…
In just six months, Yusaf has got his English up to speed, is booked in for college courses, knows the type of jobs that are available, has a really good CV, and has interview and work experience.…
Today’s Creative Support volunteer event was a mixture of jumble sale, arts and craft session, cupcake making and befriending workshop all rolled into one. It was held to bring together 20 volunteers…
Tom was facing challenging circumstances that seemed insurmountable. A former offender, he had found himself in a cycle of substance misuse, homelessness and depression. “The first time I came across…
We think that people telling their own stories about the experiences that matter to them, and that are important to their lives is powerful stuff. Community Reporting is all about storytelling and…
Not-for-profit cultural organisations can apply for funding of between £10,000 and £40,000 per year, from April 2018 to March 2022, to support the core costs of their organisation. A total of £280,…
Forever Manchester have launched Core Strength – Local Communities for 2017/18. This 12-month programme is responding to the growing need of small, locally led groups to cover their day-to-day costs…
Want to save money and produce extra income but lacking an idea or skill? Always wanted to learn how to sew but never seemed to have the chance? Living in an Affinity Sutton residence or in Gorton?…
These free information and advice sessions are for community organisations supporting residents with HMRC benefits: Working Tax Credits, Child Tax Credits, Child Benefits, PAYE/Self-Assessment.…
Sustained Theatre up North (STUN), Royal Exchange Theatre and Talawa Theatre Company are offering free opportunities specifically for Black Artists to explore with your art form, and other like-…
As part of the ‘Delivering Differently’ strategic review of DV&A services, a seven typologies campaign was developed to reach different groups of people with communications relevant to them. One…
As part of the ‘Delivering Differently’ strategic review, Manchester now has:• a new Delivering Differently Strategy • a Domestic Violence and Abuse (DV&A) Forum, responsible for the strategy…