
Are you interested in raising unlimited funds for your community group through a new opportunity? If so come along to an information event to find out more. Date: 1 August 2017Time: 11:00am – 13:00pm…
Skipton Building Society’s Grassroots Giving community funding scheme has launched for 2017 – and this year they have a total fund of £82,000 to help small groups and organisations make a difference…
The Social Change Agency have coupled up with Hubbub to offer fully funded places at their Crowdfunding 101 workshops for Heads of Fundraising who want to understand the role of crowdfunding in their…
This free programme matches experienced, high-performing leaders in the voluntary and community sector (VCS) with others in the sector to share their knowledge and provide peer support. It is…
The Secret Life of Us campaign brings to life the realities of the challenges disabled children, young people and their families face in living a life many of us take for granted. Developed in close…
Want to make a difference? Want to use your skills to help shape charitable support? Pharmacist Support – the profession’s independent charity – is looking to recruit up to four new trustees to help…
Manchester City Council wishes to commission a service that will provide an accessible indoor evening and weekend provision for rough sleepers in the City. The service will provide a safe and well-…
Whether you're a total couch potato, or already coached to athletic perfection, Manchester City Council wants to know your views on physical activity in Manchester: what would get you active (if you'…
Come and join us at our FREE events celebrating Manchester’s community spirit with FUN, FILMS & FOOD! 7 July Moston Miners Arts 5pm - 8pm 14 July Activity and Lifestyle Centre Wythenshawe 1pm -…
Manchester City Council wishes to commission an IT solution to make it easier for people experiencing homelessness to get the help they need. The Council is seeking a Service Provider who will work…
Watch the Executive meeting on Wednesday 28 June which discussed the Our Manchester Voluntary and Community Sector Funding here Watch the Communities and Equalities Scrutiny Committee on Thursday 22…
Manchester City Council are organising consultation events which are an opportunity for you to find out more about the grants programme, and to have your say on the changes that they are proposing…