
This page contains information and booking details for Our People, Volunteering Workshops (delivered by Volunteer Centre Manchester). To read more about Our People, Volunteering please click here.…
In October 2017, Manchester City Council (MCC) and Macc will be launching an exciting partnership initiative to link Council employees with Manchester’s local voluntary community and social…
For the most up to date news about the grants programme please click here where you can find questions and answers from the launch event and information sessions held by the Capacity Building Team at…
Information for the bulletin is compiled from a number of sources including Grantfinder, GMCVO (Greater Manchester Council for Voluntary Organisations) and direct from funders themselves. It…
Our aim is to create a city-wide celebration of all the work that goes on within the sector and WE NEED YOUR HELP! Every year we are looking to make the Spirit of Manchester Festival bigger and…
TLC: Talk, Listen, Change are a successful relationships charity with a vision of a society where people enjoy good emotional well-being and personal resilience, supported by positive relationships…
Voices of Survivors is a Lloyds Bank Foundation funded partnership between three of Greater Manchester women’s charities: Manchester Action on Street Health (MASH), Manchester Rape Crisis and…
Cheetham Hill Advice Centre have a group of 10 walkers taking part in the 10k Manchester Legal Walk on Thursday 28 September 2017 to raise funds for CHAC and North West Legal Support Trust (NWLST).…
Are you experiencing? Depression / anxiety, family issues, relationship difficulties, bereavement, feeling lonely, cultural problems. Would you like to? Talk to someone without being judged, share…
Looking after your physical and mental health is incredibly important. How we feel can vary depending on what's going on in our lives. For many smoking, drinking, weight management and stress are…
4 Steps Enterprise and Learning Centre based at the rear of the iconic Burnage Community Centre on Burnage Lane offers skills, training, support and lots of great community projects to local people…
HM Revenue and Customs are inviting a variety of different organisations to a webinar on Thursday 28 September between 11am and 11.30am. The webinar will highlight some of the common errors employers…