
The LGBT+ Centre in Manchester is a haven, a safe space and a community for many people, especially those who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans. The building has been here for almost 30 years,…
GM Poverty Action have released their latest newsletter. This issue continues the Work and Wages series of articles, this time looking at care workers; GM Poverty Action report on End Child Poverty’s…
Do you have a busy Community Centre or building which is used by Manchester residents?Would you like to be a host to a buzz Wellbeing Advisor? buzz, Manchester Health and Wellbeing Service, aims to…
Opinion Research Services are looking to recruit members of the public who are willing to take part in the Citizens’ Economic Council – a series of up to five day long workshops about the future of…
This year’s Manchester Day is on the 18 June 2017 and the theme is all about magic! Join in conjuring up wonderful inventions and illusions, bringing the city’s streets alive with stunning costumes,…
In 2011 Manchester took the decision to address the fragmented VCSE infrastructure in the city by combining it into a single body. Effectively this arrangement has only been in place since 2012 and…
RECLAIM, a youth leadership and social change organisation that supports working class young people across Greater Manchester to end leadership inequality have a new campaign lead by their young…
The Postcode Local Trust has changed its funding themes and application process, and is currently open for its first funding round of 2017. In 2017, the Trust is looking to fund projects that are of…
The Vegetarian Society is making grants of up to £2,000 for activities or events to celebrate National Vegetarian Week. The Week runs from 15-21 May this year, and activities that take place in that…
Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People (GMCDP) has drafted a Disabled Peoples Manifesto. GMCDP’s intention is to present the Manifesto at a hustings of the main Mayoral candidates in April…
NHS Blood and Transplant are launching a local campaign on Thursday 9 March 2017, which is World Kidney Day. There are around 5,000 people waiting for a kidney transplant across the UK and a third…
The latest news bulletin from the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership includes articles on: 20,000 cancer champions needed in Greater Manchester; First-ever Population Health Plan…