
Would you like to help people and servoces understand your culture and community. Just Psychology, in partnership with Survivors Manchester, are looking to recruit Cultural Consultants from Chinese…
This issue, from Greater Manchester Poverty Action, includes a report on GMCVO’s hustings meeting with the Mayor candidates, in the work and wages series we also look at the Mayor’s post in relation…
Information for the bulletin is compiled from a number of sources including Grantfinder, GMCVO (Greater Manchester Council for Voluntary Organisations) and direct from funders themselves. It…
Our Chief Executive, Mike Wild (@MikeWildMacc) has produced a video blog on thoughts from on the voluntary sector and Brexit.
The Edge Fund is now open for their first funding round of the year. The Edge Fund is giving £40,000 to about 30 grass-roots groups, campaigning against the systems that cause injustice. The Edge…
A new app that helps charities discover what unwanted household items people are willing to share has been launched. DONATEiT is the creation of Georgia-Leigh Wheeler and Sina Taavon, two sixth-…
NCVO are carrying out a survey on safer volunteering in migrant camps, in partnership with the Home Office, to develop a voluntary sector-led educational campaign on the dangers and risks of…
The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Public Health Research Programme wishes to commission primary research on the effectiveness of interventions in community organisations for improving…
Edge Lane Community Garden are providing free training in organic gardening for allotment users and volunteers every Thursday and Sunday, 10am to 1pm at Edge Lane, Droylesden, M43 6BE. For further…
InCafe is hosting a Big Blue Bake to mark this year’s World Autism Awareness Week. Pupils and staff are inviting the public to join them for afternoon tea with a difference offering guests a…
The Faith Network for Manchester (FN4M) are arranging an act as a mark of respect and to send a message of solidarity amongst all our communities to coincide with the London event tomorrow. The…
Sport England’s new strategy for volunteering, Volunteering in an Active Nation, sets out their plans to allow more people to engage in all types of volunteering through sport and physical activity…