
The Northern Power Women awards celebrate and showcase role models who take positive steps towards transforming business culture in the north of England to benefit the talent of the future. These are…
For those working in the homelessness sector, it is evident that Manchester has a growing and complex problem when it comes to people sleeping rough on the streets. In order to address this issue,…
Macc has teamed up with Charities Aid Foundation and a group of other Manchester based organisations to launch a city-wide campaign encouraging support for local organisations working on good causes…
Growing in the City are inviting anyone who will be alone or who is unable to cook themselves a meal on Christmas Day to join them for Christmas Dinner. It’s expected to feed about 45 people and…
cities@manchester have produced a series of short animations exploring devolution and its implications and opportunities for Greater Manchester - around such areas as health, governance, and the…
Are you a not for profit organisation? A school / college / FE Establishment? Do you operate a minibus for your community / students / clients or want to know what this involves? If you answered yes…
Affected by dementia?Find support, advice and new friends at the EachStep Blackley Dementia Café. EachStep Blackley is an award winning specialist dementia care service. EachStep Blackley is hosting…
Oxfam is running a scheme to offer voluntary retail placement positions in Oxfam shops to women from disadvantaged communities, particularly BME women. Participant volunteers will be supported…
VYM is offering a series of free workshops for the voluntary youth sector, especially Youth and Play funded organisations. The purpose of these workshops is to offer you the support and training to…
The Care Quality Commission has developed a Group Feedback Form to learn more about the quality and safety of local health and care services in your area. It needs your support to gather evidence…
Every year on 1 December, communities across the world mark World AIDS Day. In Greater Manchester, the Manchester World AIDS Day Partnership coordinates activities which include awareness-raising…
Let’s Go in partnership with Great Places Housing Association have introduced a new arts project for the people of Ancoats. Ancoat’s Voice Up will host a series of free creative workshops providing…