
On Friday 6 November hundreds of people will join The Manchester Sleepout to highlight some of the hardships that homeless people face every single night. Brave participants have accepted the…
RECLAIM is looking for a dynamic new Chair to work collaboratively with the CEO; effectively supporting and robustly challenging the organisation in the next phase of its strategic development. The…
Are you a woman living with or affected by cancer?Can-Survive UK is hosting a six week programme of health and well-being activities just for you! All activities are free and refreshments are…
Autistic Society Greater Manchester Area are looking for new members to join their Trustee Board. This is an opportunity to contribute to the direction and strategic development of a local charity,…
Organisations that have expressed or would like to express an interest to GM Futures in delivering sub-contracts under Greater Manchester’s 2014-2020 ESIF round are required to re-register through a…
International Older People's day was on 1 October. To mark this day, Age-Friendly Manchester have launched an Age-Friendly Manchester Older People’s Charter. Age-Friendly Manchester want to make…
Pay Compare, the UK campaign to promote pay ratio reporting by employers, has unveiled its Ratio Requesters initiative provided on its new and enhanced website at: Any member…
Stoodley Vehicle Auctions have a large number of very good quality modern office desks that they would like to donate free of charge to local community groups. There are curved desks as well as other…
Grant applications for International Women’s Day (IWD) 2016 are now open and available to all voluntary and community groups that want to organise events and activities to mark and celebrate…
The Power to Change Initial Grants Programme (IGP) is designed to help existing community businesses that are in a position to significantly improve their long-term sustainability within six months…
The Manchester Work and Skills Board have developed a strategy on how they should develop the skills, jobs, training and qualifications that Manchester’s businesses and residents need to succeed and…
Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People’s (GMCDP) young disabled people are working on a joint project with Manchester City Council to put an exhibition together to celebrate Disability…