
Rosa, the UK Fund for Women and Girls has launched a new grants programme called Voices from the Frontline which is an innovative new programme aimed at shining a light on women at the front of the…
Natalie Lek, a full time student at Salford University studying law, is organising two sit down meals in the community for the elderly and vulnerable one is in Cheadle Hulme for 20 people on the 14…
The Institute of Fundraising (IoF) and the Small Charities Coalition have announced that they will work together on a new joint initiative aimed to engage smaller charities on the fundraising reforms…
The Big Change campaign, which has just been launched, has been set up by a group of charities and organisations across Manchester. It aims to help rough sleepers get off – and stay off – the streets…
The Youth Health, Empowerment and Leadership Programme (HELP), provided free by Multicultural Arts and Media Centre (MAMC), will be delivered through a choice of the following 5 modules:1. Getting to…
This consultation is being led by Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust (MMHSCT) and is supported by the North, Central and South Clinical Commissioning Groups. Manchester Mental Health and…
The following is Macc’s understanding and observations on the current position. It is important to note that this is changing all the time. Level of CutsThe Manchester Mental Health and Social Care…
Social investors and commissioners are interested in the social impact ventures achieve, but demonstrating this impact can be difficult. Many social ventures struggle to quantify their achievements…
Fourteen is a programme funded by Spirit of 2012, a charity set up by the Big Lottery Fund to connect events to communities across the country; tackling disadvantage by supporting opportunities in…
YMCA Manchester is making a formal call for people to apply for two volunteer trustee roles with their organisation. Honorary TreasurerYMCA Manchester are inviting applications for the role of…
Age-friendly Manchester are very happy to announce that a motion was passed at the meeting of Council on 18 November to adopt the Older People's Charter. This is a fantastic early milestone for the…
Manchester City Council are really proud to be able to announce that web giant Google has chosen Manchester's Central Library as the next venue for their 'Google Garage'. This will provide free, in-…