
At The University of Manchester, Year 2 Psychology students have the option to undertake 30-hours of work experience. Many of the students work for local voluntary and community groups doing…
Greater Manchester Academic Health Science Network (GM AHSN) will be inviting applications to its Technology Innovation Challenge on 1 December 2015. The theme for this Technology Innovation…
Following consultation with disability organisations, Ekklesia is conducting a survey of people with mental or physical health conditions in order to design a replacement for Employment and Support…
The Manchester Youth Market programme is one of We Love Manchester charity’s flagship projects. It will help young, budding entrepreneurs to make the transition from developing a business idea to…
The capital of Christmas in the UK, undisputed since the arrival of the first Christmas Markets from Europe 17 years ago, Manchester is the perfect place to get in to the Christmas spirit. The…
Manchester City Council are giving grants of up to £2,000 for organisations doing work to help tackle hidden crimes and protect sex workers, those who sell sex, and those exploited through sex work.…
The Ambition for Ageing programme will be delivered by a cross-sector partnership, led by GMCVO and funded by the Big Lottery Fund. Local Delivery Leads (LDLs) will lead on the work in 24 wards…
Small Business Saturday 2015 takes place on the busiest shopping day of the year – Saturday 5 December. It is a national campaign to celebrate small businesses and the value they add to the character…
The Health and Wellbeing Service are supporting Self Care Week which starts Monday 16 November. The ebulletin has been sent to the networks of frontline workers across Manchester, sharing information…
Manchester wants to end hate crime by building on the City's reputation for celebrating diversity. You can help do this by holding an event or activity in your neighbourhood during Hate Crime…
Grow Wild is awarding funding of £1,000 to £4,000 to community groups that want to bring people together to transform a communal space by sowing and growing UK native plants. Grow Wild are looking to…
BBC Children in Need’s vision is that children and young people in the UK have a safe, happy and secure childhood and the chance to reach their potential. Their role in achieving this vision is by…