
Big Potential, a BIG Lottery Fund grant fund, will deliver approximately £20m of grant funding over 3 years to eligible VCSE organisations with the aim of improving the sustainability, capacity and…
The Dream Fund gives organisations the chance to deliver the project they have always dreamed of, but never had the opportunity to bring to life. The Postcode Dream Trust are asking charitable…
All over Manchester there are individuals, groups and voluntary organisations who are bringing their neighbourhoods together and making a big difference to community life. Young and old are working…
Struggling with your business plan? Need to improve your reporting to trustees and funders? Interested in improving your financial processes and information? In need of some fresh marketing ideas…
The Pankhurst Trust (Incorporating Manchester Women’s Aid) (PTMWA) is a women’s led organisation whose vision is to ensure that people, suffering, or at risk of, domestic abuse receive appropriate…
Together Dementia Support is a relatively new, not-for-profit Community Interest Company whose objective is to support local people who are living with dementia, enabling them to lead active lives,…
Interested in advice work? With the Manchester Volunteer Advice Project you can volunteer in five advice services who work with members of the community – Cheetham Hill Advice Centre, Manchester Mind…
Based in Manchester and the West Midlands, Step Up is a two-year pilot programme for people with a learning disability or communication difficulty (PWLD/CD) aged 16 - 30 who have offended or are at…
As a result of emptying Daisy Mill Manchester City Council have free furniture to dispose of by Monday 24 August 2015. There is various furniture available including around 50 chairs, desks and…
Do you work with adults who face severe barriers to employment? If so this may be of interest. GMCVO has sent out a final call to organisations that would like to sign up to the Manchester Growth…
This research is being carried out by Faith Network 4 Manchester in partnership with Saheli and the Women's Solidarity Forum and is funded by Manchester City Council's Equality Fund and the Big…
The Arcon Community Fund has been launched to support projects and activities in the local areas where they have properties. Applications are welcomed from Arcon customers and local community…