
What is Hepatitis C?Hepatitis C is a virus that can infect and damage the liver. In most cases it causes no noticeable symptoms until the liver has been damaged. The hepatitis C virus is found in the…
Big Potential, a Big Lottery Fund grant fund, will deliver approximately £20m of grant funding over 3 years to eligible VCSE organisations with the aim of improving the sustainability, capacity and…
The Morrison’s Foundation aim to improve people's lives in the UK and provide grants to support projects carried out by charities registered in the UK. The Morrison’s Foundation believe that good…
The Project Development Grant (PDG) scheme is intended to assist an organisation to cover some of the costs of developing and co-ordinating a project and taking it towards the start of work on site.…
The Project Viability Grant (PVG) scheme is intended to be an initial assessment of whether it is viable to bring a historic building back into a sustainable use. In particular it aims to enable…
There really is ‘allsorts’ for young Mancunians to do over the school holidays this Summer – try a different activity to learn new skills or just develop those you’ve already got. Whether you fancy…
The Christmas Challenge is the UK’s biggest online match funding campaign which helps UK registered charities raise funds for their cause. The Christmas Challenge takes place every December. The Big…
My Future is a new programme supported by Manchester College and Manchester City Council to provide young people aged 16 to 24 with experience in a real working environment and an opportunity to…
Are you a physically or psychologically wounded military veteran looking for an affordable home to rent in Manchester? Do you want to buy at a discounted price or on a shared equity scheme? Would…
The Big Lottery Fund are looking to fund projects that draw on the strengths and personal experiences of people facing hardship so that they can overcome immediate difficulties and be ready for…
The Youth Fund will provide core funding to organisations within the youth sector and outside. This is a direct response to feedback from their strategy consultation – that in order to achieve…
The Paul Hamlyn Foundation want to encourage the development, use and sustainability of effective arts-based activities in education, through arts organisations working with schools, further…