
The Nine Lives Fund is a partnership between Forever Manchester and the Chambers of 9 St. Johns Street, Manchester. The Fund is currently inviting applications from groups that provide activities for…
The British Red Cross International Family Tracing (IFT) service helps those separated from their family members through armed conflict, disasters and migration to re-establish contact. The…
The Community Economic Development (CED) programme is a new initiative designed for local community groups and organisations who want to take a lead in shaping their economies for the benefit of…
Anna Coates, a Research Assistant, at the University of Manchester is currently working on the UK's largest bilingual project and is recruiting children who are 18-24 months old and who hear English…
There are still places left on the new therapy group for gay and bisexual male survivors of sexual violation. The group is free to attend, but there are only 12 places available. Survivors Manchester…
Are you aged 16-24 years old?Would you like help with managing money?Do you know someone who would benefit from practical tips to help them spend wisely? Me1are offering free places on their training…
We have produced a briefing on the European Programme 2014-20 - Opportunities for the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector to deliver the Greater Manchester European Structural…
The One Manchester Community Fund will provide £500,000 in grant funding over the next five years. The first round of funding is open now, offering grants of up to £1,000 towards a range of projects…
Adactus Housing Association have announced the launch of their £66,000 Neighbourhood Fund for Manchester. The fund, which is now in its sixth year, is open to individuals, residents groups, community…
Refugee Action would like to tell you about a great offer! It’s for you and everyone that loves food and wants to celebrate the contribution that refugees have made to UK food and culture. Over the…
The Big Lottery Fund Building Better Opportunities programme will focus on Active Inclusion, and will be an innovative programme for marginalised groups to help bring them to and support them to be…
The Gaddum Centre, in partnership with Better Things (formerly Manchester Mencap), has been working hard to put in place arrangements to launch the Manchester Advocacy Hub in April. They are working…