Community Catalysts recently learned that the rise in self-employment accounted for 90 per cent of all jobs growth during the recessionary years of 2008-13. Should these rates continue, the Royal…
The First Steps programme aims to help at least 100 new communities to identify important local issues and develop community action plans.
The First Steps programme is designed to give small…
Investigations into abuse in children’s homes and schools from the Department for EducationThis is a statement regarding investigations relating to Jimmy Savile and a number of children’s homes and…
Get involved in this year's Small Charity Week eBay Auction and you could be in with a chance to win an extra £2,000 prize pot.
eBay has more than 17 million users worldwide so this is a great way to…
Are you interested in helping The Big Lottery by trying out a shorter and simpler Awards for All application form?
The Big Lottery are looking for around 100 A4A applicants to help them pilot a new…
TAGMA (Tanzania Association of Greater Manchester) is a volunteer led Community Association. They are organising an event for Union Day (Muungano) to celebrate when Tanganyika and Zanzibar came…
The Big Lottery’s new strategic framework sets out what people can expect from them as a funder over the next six years. Their vision is that people should be in the lead in improving their lives and…
Local groups and organisations with great ideas to make their communities even better places to live are now invited to apply for funding to turn their ideas into reality.
Active Communities is a…
The Tesco Charity Trust Community Awards Scheme provides one-off donations of between £500 and £2,500 to organisations which have a turnover of under £5 million. The funding goes towards providing…
The Aviva Community Fund offers support and funding to the causes close to your heart. Put forward a project for a local cause, and you could win it funding of up to £25,000. The Aviva Community Fund…
If you're a voluntary or community group, you can apply for a grant of between £500 and £18,500 to improve services for 14-25 year olds with autism.
Manchester City Council would like to see…
Manchester City Council has now launched the Age-Friendly Manchester Challenge, to make Manchester a better place to grow older and to improve the lives of older people.
The Challenge is for people,…