
Manchester City Council's Public Health Team are currently reviewing the mainstream School Nursing Service, which delivers school nursing provision to mainstream Primary and Secondary Schools,…
The Age-friendly Small Grants fund provides small grants of up to £300 for projects that benefit older people living in the City of Manchester. Priority is given to grant applications looking to…
FareShare Greater Manchester fights hunger and tackles food waste by redistributing surplus food to over 100 charities in the region. They source food from the food and drinks industry, from…
Established in 2012 as a legacy of the London Olympic and Paralympic Games, Wythenshawe Games is a large community sports festival, which takes place every year in one of Manchester’s most…
Manchester City Centre has just seen the arrival of two new Community Organisers, who aim to listen to at least 1000 people and recruit a group volunteers interested in improving their local…
Core Safeguarding Procedures The Manchester Safeguarding Children’s Board (MSCB) and Executive have taken the decision to adopt the Greater Manchester Safeguarding Partnership (GMSP) online…
TUPE (Tranfer of Undertakings, Protection of Employment) is the complex set of regulations that governs how employees are transferred from one organisation to another when a publicly funded contract…
Small Charity Week celebrates and raises awareness of the essential work of the UK’s small charity sector who make an invaluable contribution to the lives of millions of individuals, communities and…
For 2014, Skipton Building Society has allocated 161 donations of £500 to help fund development for grassroots organisations. The idea behind the Grassroots Giving campaign is to help community…
Manchester Refugee Support Network (MRSN) are offering seven Refugee Community Organisations (RCOs) support through a series of four workshops aimed at improving their capacity to assess and apply…
Macmillan have launched a new grants programme Supporting You to Help Others grant for groups and individuals who support people affected by cancer or campaign to improve cancer care. What is a…
 Manchester: A Certain Future is an action plan to reduce the carbon emissions by 41% for the City of Manchester written by organisations all over the city, so it is owned by the city. The plan…