CHIP Report

This report

·         gives a brief background to the development work carried out in Cheetham Hill by members of the North Manchester 5 Ways 2 mental health and wellbeing network;

·         showcases a family fun day held at Cheetham Park in June 2012 as part of a process of engaging local people in the renewal of the park as an important community asset and;

·         demonstrates what can be achieved when all of the assets in a locality (public, social and commercial) are co-ordinated in a mindful way to a common purpose.


Please take time to look at the report, consider your response and how you might be an enabling partner. If you want to find out more about our approach, what we have learnt and to discuss how it might be applied elsewhere please contact John Butler at Macc in the first instance.


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Chip report final 5wayversion.pdf 2.19 MB