Spirit of Manchester Awards 2022 Supporters

Thank you to all our supporters so far!

To see how you could support the awards either by donating to the raffle or supporting an Awards category see the Supporters page or email [email protected]

Raffle Prizes

Thank you to those who have donted prizes to our Spirit of Manchester raffle. All proceeds from our raffle go to the Spirit of Manchester Fund and back to Manchester community groups and organisations. Tickets will be on sale from Monday 26 Spetember and the raffle will be held on the evening of the Awards - 6 October 2022. Donators appear in all our Awards publicity and receive a Supporters logo for their publicity.

        Manchester United Foundation


Award category supporters

In total we have 12 categories for this year's Spirit of Manchester Awards. The money from supporting an Awards category enables us to continue to put on the Awards and celebrate the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Manchester. Contact Hannah at [email protected] to see what categories are still available. It is £400 to support a category - your name gets added to all our publicity, you get two tickets to the Awards evening (6 October at Whitworth Hall) and are invited to present the Award (your choice). You also receive a Supporters logo for all your publicity, emails etc.



Supporting the Tackling inequalities award

Supporting the People of Mcr award

Lee Chambers, founder of Essentialise, website

Supporting the Dr Sylvia Sham award for contribution to the sector

Media Cubs logo

Supporting the Creative community spirit award

Supporting the Community cohesion award

Our Manchester Funds Team, Manchester City Council

Our Manchester Funds Team,
Manchester City Council
Supporting the Partnership and collaboration award