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Reclaim Black Heritage Fund

16 Mar 2023 - 14:46 by michelle.foster

The Reclaim Black Heritage Fund has grants available for up to £4,000 for projects that would benefit the black community and commemorate 1981. The funding is open to black-led groups and funding bag imageindividuals that are in line with the 81 Acts Humanifesto.

Your project can be whatever you want it to be, so long as it is creative, engaging, and seeks to honour the principles of the Humanifesto.

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National Lottery Community Fund – Climate Action Fund: Energy and climate

16 Mar 2023 - 14:44 by michelle.foster

As part of its wider commitment to supporting climate action, National Lottery Community Fund (NLCF) is delivering a new grant scheme which focuses on community energy projects across the funding bag imageUK.

The Fund offers grants of £500,000 to £1.5 million over two to five years for place-based partnerships, UK-wide partnerships or single voluntary and community organisations.

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Let’s Walk Fund – GM Walking Festival 1-31 May 2023

9 Mar 2023 - 12:02 by michelle.foster

The Let’s Walk Fund is designed to support walk organisers to deliver a walk as part of the GM Walking Festival 2023 from 1-31 May, while helping to sustain the opportunity beyond May.

image: funding bagGrants are for a maximum of £100. Please note there are a limited number of grants available.

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Grant for VCS funding Keeping Children and Young People Safe

9 Mar 2023 - 11:56 by michelle.foster

Manchester’s Community Safety Partnership (CSP) will award up to £50,000 in each area to be used to support delivery of the Manchester Community Safety Strategy which focuses on keeping image: funding bagpeople safe, reducing harm and strengthening communities.

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SPAR Community Cashback Scheme

9 Mar 2023 - 11:51 by michelle.foster

SPAR has launched a new £100,000 Community Cashback scheme which will give grants to local voluntary or community organisations and charities who need it most.

image: funding bagShoppers from all over the UK can apply for a grant for an organisation or charity they feel deserves funding. All applicants need to do is share the exceptional contribution a local organisation has made to their community and what the grant would be put towards.

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Big Give Mental Health Match Fund

9 Mar 2023 - 11:50 by michelle.foster

78% of people say the cost of living crisis is impacting mental health – worse for those with existing mental health problems. The Mental Health Match Fund is designed specifically for charities image: funding bagimproving mental health as part of their work. The campaign will run around Mental Health Awareness Week, from 15-22 May.

Charity eligibility criteria:

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Thomas Wall Trust

9 Mar 2023 - 11:46 by michelle.foster

The Thomas Wall Trust believes that communication skills are critical capabilities for people who want to improve their employment prospects, self-confidence, resilience, and life chances.

image: funding bagThe Trust recognises that communication is underpinned by a set of key features and skills such as empathy, listening, emotional intelligence, confidence, and clarity, amongst others.

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