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GM Poverty Action newsletter 5 October 2022

5 Oct 2022 - 14:28 by michelle.foster

In the latest newsletter GM Poverty Action comment on the Government’s mini budget, look forward to Challenge Poverty Week later this month and share information about the Changing Realities newsletterproject. There is also a job opportunity. There is some exciting news from the Greater Manchester Living Wage Campaign and a round-up of other developments.

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A Just Transition: Take part in a week of action

29 Sep 2022 - 11:43 by michelle.foster

GMCVO, in partnership with the GM VCSE Leadership Group, will be holding a week of action 7-13 November to showcase the work of the VCSE sector in support of the environment, sustainability take actionand Just Transition. This week of action continues their campaign to build awareness of the part VCSE organisations play in building a fairer economic model

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GM Poverty Action newsletter 21 September 2022

29 Sep 2022 - 11:41 by michelle.foster

In the latest GM Poverty Action newsletter is information about a Cost-of-Living Crisis Conference on 20 October. There are two jobs openings with GMPA. Other articles include the Energy Price newsletterGuarantee and a school uniform project. In case you missed the news, low bus fares became available in Greater Manchester at the beginning of the month and there is a round-up of other developments.

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Help grow and increase the impact of Greater Manchester Poverty Action work by making a donation

25 Aug 2022 - 11:24 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester Poverty Action (GMPA) exists because of the support of likeminded individuals and organisations across Greater Manchester, and beyond, who share their desire to see an end gm poverty actionto poverty in our city region.

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GM Poverty Action newsletter 17 August 2022

25 Aug 2022 - 11:19 by michelle.foster

The latest newsletter includes a call for content for their Cost-of-Living Crisis Conference in October. GMPA are keen to hear from those who are running projects that help to address the current newsletterfinancial challenges facing low income households. GMPA have provided policy and research updates and there is also an interesting job opportunity.

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Contribute to the evaluation of the Changing Futures programme

11 Aug 2022 - 13:48 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester is part of the Changing Futures programme. This is a £64 million initiative between Government and The National Lottery Community Fund, testing innovative approaches to surveyimproving outcomes for people experiencing multiple disadvantage in fifteen areas across England. The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has commissioned a consortium led by CFE Research to evaluate the Changing Futures programme.

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