Association of Chairs: Chairing Essentials - dynamic and productive meetings

Date & time: 19 September 2024, 11:30am - 12:45pm

We’ve all had the experience of leaving a poorly run meeting with the feeling that it’s not been a valuable use of people’s time and energy.  Well planned and chaired meetings on the other hand can leave participants feeling inspired, energised and with the feeling of having accomplished something useful.

This live webinar will give you the tools for dynamic and productive board meetings.


We will cover

  • Planning and preparing for meetings including setting the agenda with your CEO
  • Facilitating productive board conversations and enabling effective decision-making
  • Learning and improvement
  • Follow through from meetings: actions, minutes and monitoring implementation.


What to expect

The session will be held over the online platform Zoom using the webinar format which allows you to view the trainer only. You will be able to interact with fellow attendees through the chat function.

Free for AoC members, £40 for non-members
Association of Chairs
Shared Topic Areas
Further details / booking

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Information on becoming an Association of Chairs member available here