Association of Chairs: Dynamic Duo - balancing the roles between Chair and CEO

Date & time: 11 September 2024, 9:00am - 3:00pm

When the relationship between Chair and Chief Executive is strong they are a dynamic duo, both adding value to the organisation. When the relationship is in trouble it’s hard on both Chair and CEO and the organisation suffers. This digital event explores how to balance the roles and how to bring out the best in each other.

The day’s engagement will look at the CEO/Chair relationship from both perspectives. It is an opportunity for you to hear from and share ideas with your peers.


Topics include:

  • What does the relationship look like when it works well?
  • Practical realities and experiences from Chairs and CEOs
  • How to establish and develop a supportive culture
  • How to deal with conflict


This whole day event (10:00 –  16:00) will be delivered digitally and will include three healthy breaks, breakout working groups, and encourages strong engagement from all participants.

The session is led by  Tom Andrews, senior support advisor, ACEVO and Liz Lowther, Interim CEO, Association of Chairs.


The session will provide you with:

  • Frameworks for you to think about your relationship
  • An understanding of common warning signs and what to do about them
  • Insight into how other people manage the relationship and how they have overcome difficulties
  • An opportunity to explore issues with your peers, Chair to Chair and CEO to CEO
  • Time and space to decide ways forward with your Chair or CEO
  • Workbook


Chairs and Chief Executives are both welcome; we particularly recommend you come as a pair. It’s a good opportunity to take stock of and review how you are working together.

£149 for Association of Chairs members. £199 for non-members
Association of Chairs
Shared Topic Areas
Further details / booking

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