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Join the Macc Board of Trustees

5 Mar 2013 - 17:32 by michelle.foster

Passionate about Manchester?
Want to help local charities make a difference in the city?

Macc is looking for committed and caring people to get involved in shaping the future of our work to support and develop a thriving voluntary, community and faith sector in Manchester. Our role includes:

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Community Associations Funding - Frequently Asked Questions

Please find below questions and answers from the Business Improvement and Partnerships Team. To ask them a question, email: [email protected]

1. Is the funding limited to 1 application per organisation or is it 1 application per centre?
One application per organisation, although we'll consider applications from organisations who run activities from two centres.

Easy things to do for Climate Week

1 Mar 2013 - 10:27 by margot.sullivan

There are lots of quick but impactful things you can still do for Climate Week:

Sign the Climate Week Declaration urging the government to act (takes 1 minute)
The Climate Week Declaration is calling on government to take urgent action on climate change, especially in the Energy Bill now going through Parliament. Over 700 organisations and people have signed in its first week.

Join the Climate Week Thunderclap to generate a storm on Twitter and Facebook (takes 1 minute).

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Compact Voice publish 2012 Impact Report and short survey

27 Feb 2013 - 14:57 by michelle.foster

Compact Voice has launched their 2012 Impact Report, which highlights key Compact developments and achievements from 2012.

To coincide with its publication, Compact Voice is also launching a short survey.

The responses received will be used to help determine what areas Compact Voice’s work should focus on in the coming year, and to understand how the resources and support provided are useful.

The survey takes just 5 minutes to complete and all entries will have the chance to win a £25 Amazon voucher. Responses are confidential.

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Fairtrade Fortnight 25 February - 10 March

27 Feb 2013 - 11:17 by margot.sullivan

Monday 25 February marked the start of Fairtrade Fortnight.

Fairtrade Fortnight sets aside two weeks every year in which the principles and products of Fairtrade are promoted and the links between consumers and producers is highlighted. Fairtrade Fortnight is the nationwide effort to promote awareness of Fairtrade and urge people to buy products carrying the FAIRTRADE Mark.

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The Big Tree Plant funding scheme

27 Feb 2013 - 10:29 by michelle.foster

The main aim of The Big Tree Plant funding scheme is to encourage and support community groups to plant trees in neighbourhoods where people live and work.

The Forestry Commission want to help improve the quality of life of those living in England’s towns, cities and residential areas by making neighbourhoods more attractive, healthy places to live; especially in areas of greatest deprivation and/or where there is little greenery.

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Manchester Deaf Centre Leads Pilot Deaf Volunteer Health Project across Greater Manchester

27 Feb 2013 - 10:05 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester’s largest Deaf Charity, Manchester Deaf Centre is gearing up to empower its D/deaf members to influence local health and social care provision.

The three year project, which is managed by national healthcare charity, SignHealth has been made available following a grant of £592,000 from the Department of Health’s Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund (HSCVF).

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Creative Digital Virtual Jobs Fair 2013

27 Feb 2013 - 09:19 by michelle.foster

Are you looking to recruit students and graduates in 2013?

Sign-up to advertise your vacancies at this Virtual Jobs Fair to get access to students and graduates who are looking for work in the creative and digital industries.

When is the fair?
The fair will run from Monday 11 to Friday 22 March 2013.

How does the fair work?

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