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The Charity Service – New grant structure

25 Mar 2022 - 09:36 by michelle.foster

Over the past 3 years, The Charity Service has developed strong working relationships with voluntary, community and social enterprise (VSCE) organisations in Greater Manchester and provided over £350,000 in financial support.

Further to a Strategic Review in 2021, during which The Charity Service consulted with VCSE organisations in Greater Manchester, they have announced their new grant policy that will be effective from 1 April 2022.

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Tender opportunity with Greater Manchester Youth Network

25 Mar 2022 - 09:34 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester Youth Network (GMYN) wants to hire an individual or organisation to work with them over the next six months. GMYN want an external evaluation of their youth programmes and delivery models, and support with identifying new monitoring frameworks to better measure our impact. You'll work with delivery teams as well as managers to get a real feel of how GMYN delivers its work and help focus on what makes their USP.

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Join the Buzz Knowledge Champion network

24 Mar 2022 - 15:56 by michelle.foster

If you work in health and social care in Manchester, you can become a Knowledge Champion. Knowledge Champions promote high quality, reliable sources of health information and help combat the spread of fake news and misinformation. They share their expertise with colleagues, communities and anyone they support.

Why should you become a Knowledge Champion?
As a Knowledge Champion you will gain:

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New Work and Skills Strategy for Manchester consultation

24 Mar 2022 - 15:54 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council are refreshing the city’s approach to work and skills up to 2027 and we want to make sure it works for the whole city.

Manchester City Council have spoken to people across Manchester and come up with some new priorities to work on together and they’d like to hear your views on whether these priorities are the right ones for our city.

Manchester Coty Council’s priorities are to help make Manchester:

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Have your say on the design of a Community Wealth Hub for GM

24 Mar 2022 - 15:52 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester is establishing a Community Wealth Hub to support and grow co-operatives, mutuals, social and community enterprises.

It will be important that any Community Wealth Hub should be developed and co-designed with the people and organisations who might benefit from or provide services to the Hub.

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GM Poverty Action newsletter 23 March 2022

24 Mar 2022 - 15:49 by michelle.foster

The latest GM Poverty Action newsletter looks at the new report by the Child Poverty Action Group on the cost of the school day in England from the pupils perspective. There is a very interesting job opportunity with GMPA, as well as with FareShare GM and the Manchester Homelessness Partnership.

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Manchester Safeguarding Partnership - Virtual Learning

18 Mar 2022 - 13:51 by cheryl.mcalister

With so many uncertainties and pressures we are facing in the sectors we work and volunteer in, safeguarding remains more than ever an important issue.  

Manchester Safeguarding Partnership recognises the need for training courses during this time and is offering a range of free online learning courses to practitioners working and serving those in the Manchester locality.  

The course topics are around our priorities Neglect, Complex Safeguarding and Mental Health. 

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Art Agents

10 Mar 2022 - 12:03 by michelle.foster

Do you live in Manchester and want to bring people and ideas together?

Becoming an Art Agent is an opportunity for you to imagine a better future for people in Manchester, to make something happen and to do it your way. It could be a get together, a new creation or something entirely new.

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