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GM Poverty Action Newsletter 10 March 2021

10 Mar 2021 - 15:45 by michelle.foster

gmpaIn the latest newsletter from GM Poverty Action, Action for Children’s Imran Hussain writes about the continuing Universal Credit fight and Jo Evans from GMCA raises the issue of gambling related harm. There is an article about Manchester Credit Union as they celebrate their 30th anniversary and brief information about the Census 2021.

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Grant Opportunity for VCS funding of Street Engagement Hub Work

9 Mar 2021 - 09:28 by michelle.foster

manchester city councilManchester’s Community Safety Partnership (CSP) have a funding opportunity to award £80,000 to be used to support delivery of the Greater Manchester Police and Crime Plan which focuses on keeping people safe, reducing harm and strengthen communities.

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Boost Choose Now Change Lives programme

4 Mar 2021 - 15:21 by michelle.foster

boostBoost is giving back with a £20,000 fund to support your local community. The Boost Choose Now Change Lives programme has been launched as part of Boost's 20th-anniversary celebrations. To celebrate, Boost will be offering community grants to support a range of community groups and organisations.

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David Wilson Homes North West – Our Space Your Place Grants

4 Mar 2021 - 15:17 by michelle.foster

fundingOur Space, Your Place offers organisations, community groups and charities across the region the opportunity to benefit from support in the form of funding or time, to improve their community. The only condition is that the contribution should be used for something which will genuinely enhance or improve services, facilities or the environment within their local area.

Grants of up to £1,000 are available.

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NAVCA briefing – The Budget 2021: an overview for the VCSE sector

4 Mar 2021 - 15:13 by michelle.foster

briefingRishi Sunak's first proper Budget as Chancellor broke from tradition, with most of the big announcements being made in the press from last weekend.

You can read NAVCA’s response (disappointment) to this budget here 'All aboard the Budget Bus' written by Clare Mills, Head of Communications and External Affairs.

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