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National Lottery Community Fund: Growing Great Ideas

23 Feb 2021 - 11:18 by michelle.foster

community fundThe Growing Great Ideas programme has a focus on supporting transformational and long-term change. The National Lottery Community Fund is looking for visionary initiatives that go beyond individual organisations, and instead focus on ecologies, platforms, ecosystems, assemblages, networks and constellations.

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Community Soup – Applications are now open for Hulme and Moss Side

23 Feb 2021 - 11:14 by michelle.foster

one manchesterAre you a group or individual with innovative plans to make a difference?

This can be making the best of local resources or public spaces, addressing environmental issues or helping improve people’s wellbeing. One Manchester want everyone in their communities to have the opportunity to access positive activities that promote health and wellbeing, bring the community together and help reduce loneliness and isolation.

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Auto Trader Community Fund

19 Feb 2021 - 09:50 by michelle.foster

auto trader community fundThe Auto Trader Community Fund in partnership with Forever Manchester is now open for applications from Community Groups in Greater Manchester. The Auto Trader Community Fund is offering awards of up to £1,000.

The Auto Trader Community Fund welcomes applications from grassroots community groups based in any of the ten boroughs of Greater Manchester.

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Magic Little Grants 2021

18 Feb 2021 - 13:56 by michelle.foster

magic little grantsSmaller charities and community groups across Great Britain can apply for a one-off £500 grant from 1 March until 31 October 2021.

Six funding trusts from the People’s Postcode Lottery and Localgiving will be working together to award more than £1 million in small grants to some 2,000 charitable organisations in England, Scotland and Wales over the next six months.

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Barchester Healthcare Foundation

18 Feb 2021 - 13:53 by michelle.foster

barchester's charitable foundationBarchester’s Charitable Foundation is a registered charity that helps older people and other adults with a disability across England, Scotland and Wales. Their focus is about connecting or re-connecting people with others in their local community, and they support applications that combat loneliness and enable people to be active and engaged.

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Ambition for Ageing briefing: What works in tackling social isolation of older people in Bangladeshi communities

18 Feb 2021 - 13:51 by michelle.foster

ambition for ageingAmbition for Ageing are excited to share their newest briefing on what works in tackling social isolation of older people in small, tight-knit marginalised communities. The new briefing shares transferable learning from their Community Navigator project delivered by British Red Cross that worked with small, tight-knit ethnic minority communities – Bangladeshi communities – in Greater Manchester.

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Ashworth Charitable Trust

18 Feb 2021 - 13:23 by michelle.foster

fundingThe Ashworth Charitable Trust is a small grant-making charity to support humanitarian causes operating locally, nationally and internationally, as opposed to animal or utilitarian projects. For the most part, the Trust looks to fund projects and not core funding.

Grant do not usually exceed £3,000.

The trust prioritises smaller charities where their level of grant is comparatively significant.

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Comic Relief’s Supporting and Sustaining Specialism Fund

18 Feb 2021 - 13:22 by michelle.foster

comic reliefComic Relief are inviting proposals from organisations in England led ‘by and for’ Black and minoritised women and providing frontline services responding to violence against women and girls.

Funding between £30,000-£250,000 is available for organisations with an income of between £75,000 and £10 million. Funds available from July 2021 for 12-15 months.

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